• I’m hoping someone can help to identify what my problem might be, and help me correct it. ??

    I just seem to be having trouble getting WordPress multisite to work when I set it up for https://www.whatshouldibe.me/

    When I set it up, I’m setting the multisites to work as sub-directories.

    I have the main site at whatshouldibe.me and the second (multisite) at whatshouldibe.me/interviews

    BUT .. when I try to go to the dashboard for the second site at https://whatshouldibe.me/interviews/wp-admin/ I get an error that says:

    This page isn’t working
    whatshouldibe.me redirected you too many times.
    Try clearing your cookies.


    This site can’t be reached
    The connection was reset.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall
    Running Windows Network Diagnostics

    I set up a brand new installation and database. I just can’t seem to get it to work.

    Any ideas? I was curious if you might know how I can resolve this?

    This was a fresh install. Fresh WordPress. Fresh Database. And there are no plugins installed. Crazy. Any thoughts?

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  • Your site is not configured for WP. Directory index isnt set to index.php; possibly .htaccess is not set or ignored. I noticed the generic redirect (doesnt seem to be WP):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.cookie = "FwdPugqV=32669;max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24;
      if (document.cookie == "")
    document.write("<center>Sorry, cookies must be enabled.<br/>Please change your browser's options, then <a href=\"\">try again</a>.</center>")
      } else {
    document.write("<center>Redirecting...<BR>Click <a href=\"\">here</a> if not redirected within 5 seconds.</center>");
    <div class="noscript"><center>Sorry, JavaScript must be enabled.<br/>Please change your browser's options, then <a href="">try again</a>.</center></div>
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jkhongusc.

    I’m having the same problem. I have not pointed my domain to the server, so I’m just directing yo my new server ip address.

    Also, when I go the the 2nd website I get

    Any help wold be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,

    Is the .htaccess file named correctly ? Some code editors and Notepad++ would save .htaccess as htaccess. Took me two days to work this out. Why anyone would decide to put a . in front of a file name I do not know.

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