• I upgraded my test site to WP 4.2 on the weekend and since then I cannot log in to WP-ADMIN.

    Originally I was getting an error message about my browser not accepting cookies (it does). I found a post about that and added a couple of lines to functions.php in the child theme to supposedly stop that happening, but then it just kept flicking me back to the login screen.

    I’ve deleted those lines of code, but I am still just getting flicked back to the login screen with no error message.

    Not sure where to go from here.


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  • Thread Starter qlddrones


    I just tried with a different browser and am now seeing the error message:

    ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.

    This is what I was getting before. Still can’t see how to fix it though. It’s not a cookies issue as I can log in to the live site (on 4.1.2) without any problem.

    Thread Starter qlddrones


    I also tried this from an old support post. Didn’t work either.

    First of all, how to get logged in again. Comment out lines 744-746 in wp-login.php . It should look like this:

    //	if ( isset($_POST['testcookie']) && empty($_COOKIE[TEST_COOKIE]) )
    //		$user = new WP_Error('test_cookie', __("<strong>ERROR</strong>: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must <a href='https://www.google.com/cookies.html'>enable cookies</a> to use WordPress."));
    //	else
    		$user = wp_signon('', $secure_cookie);

    This will bypass the check entirely and logs you in.

    Thread Starter qlddrones


    I have also tried removing all plugins and setting the theme to twentyfourteen. No joy.

    Connect your server via ftp or winscp or going to control panel and then file manager. First download wp-config.php to your site and then delete entire files present there. Then, download a fresh download of a version 4.1.3 from here to your pc. Now upload it completey to your server. finally upload your wp-config.php. Your website will be live again with previous version of wordpress before upgrade.

    Thread Starter qlddrones


    So the only solution is to downgrade again?

    if you have to manual update please use following steps


    remember to take backup of wp-content folder and wp-config.php file

    it isnt Downgrade actually.also i will advise to get latest version 4.2.

    no , downgrading is not the solution, downgrading is only for taking things to normal. after that disable all your plugins and upgrade again. everything will be ok, as there must be some plugin which is conflicting with upgrade

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