Can’t load existing customers into POS
Hi, let me first tell you how great is your plugin! Really well made, quick use, extremely useful and on iPad it’s perfect ??
We are considering to upgrade to Pro version since the plugin it’s really amazing compared to other POS on WP repository or web.
We tried your plugin maybe a year ago or something, but many functions were not working properly like stock management and taxes, but now everything works perfect (we really love it) except for one:
– We cannot load existing customers into POS
We think it might be some issue on our side. Do the plugin needs WP Heartbeat or WP cron in order to work well?
Thank you!
Thank you for great feedback and kind words. We have been working hard over the last year to build a feature rich, clean POS UX design?which is mobile optimized, happy to hear we are hitting those objectives.
On the issue about existing customers not loading in the POS.
Can you please provide us more details? Does an error occur? Is there anything specific about existing customers on your setup? Are you using an import tool to create the WordPress users? Are the existing customers custom role types, not a default Customer or Subscriber role??In version 2.0+ of the POS, we changed the behavior of searching?customers in the POS. In versions prior to 2.0, the POS imported the full customer list into browser?IndexDB and only supported Subscriber and Customer role types. This previous design impacted loading performance and restricted the role types.
Now in version 2.0+, the POS searches customers using the WooCommerce API, reducing the load time and also allowing all WordPress role types to be searched and added to the order as a “Customer”, removing the limit to only?Subscriber and Customer role types.
As a result of this change in 2.0+, when you type in 3 characters, the POS performs an API search query for the WordPress users matching the characters. Based upon this new logic, existing customers should load, if matching the results regardless of role type.?
To get started trying to understand what is causing a problem we’d recommend a few steps to troubleshoot:
– Verify under Settings > Users, you have the permission “list_users” enabled
– Verify the?WooCommerce Customer API call is not being blocked. Are you getting any error dialogs? If you are using a security plugin, review any blocked callsIf both those recommendations don’t lead to a resolution. Can you send us a quick video of the behavior you are experiencing, you can use a tool like We’d like to see the User list in WordPress with roles defined and the Customer Search functionality in the POS. We’d also need to be provided the WooCommerce System Status Report,?under WooCommerce > Status. If you want, since this might include data you don’t want to share publicly, please feel free to submit a ticket at
In addition, we’d like for you to click POS > Settings > Debug. Enable the Debug mode. Now launch the POS, perform a Customer Search. After performing a Customer search. Click the Menu, scroll down to support and send us a support ticket from within the POS support page. Make sure to enable “Send POS system report”.
The video, WooCommerce system log and POS debug log will allow us to review and perform an audit of the logs to continue troubleshooting the behavior and provide support.
Let me thank you first for your extensive reply.
I find out what the issue was: A plugin I use for capabilities accidentally delete the customer role, pushing all my customers into the “Subscriber” role. I really apologize for this, it was actually on my side.
However, I have some question regarding the organization of the products and categories:
1) Is there any way to alphabetically organize categories and let them be inside their own parents? Just like the POS from Actuality Extension which is now sold by (Instead of having a one-page with all the categories)
2) How do endpoint works? I manage to add ‘featured’ tab, but that’s it. Which more endpoints can I add? And how (eventually) can I create new ones?
Last but not least, a bug report:
3) On Apple devices (specially iPad) the categories scroll beautifully, very smooth. The products not, they’re lagging and getting little stuck while scrolling them. That’s because you forgot to set a scroll parameters for webkit browsers in the products view. Here’s how I fix it:
.products___3NwWc { -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }
Thank you for making my questions clear, and again, the POS is amazing. Really recommended.
You’re welcome, we are happy to help support and provide guidance.
No apologies?necessary on the customer syncing issue. Thanks for following-up and letting us know the outcome. It’s great to hear you were able to isolate and identify the conflict causing the customers not to behave properly with the POS. We will consider this part of the post as closed.?On the additional questions, let us provide some comments:
Question: Is there any way to alphabetically organize categories and let them be inside their own parents
Comment: Right now, we don’t support sort functionality alphabetically, but we do have features on our roadmap to add more organization functionality to the product container view. The sort functionality is included on this list as well as colored tiles among other things. As for the nesting functionality, we can’t comment on any other POS plugins and the structure of their products container, but we do have a slightly?different UX strategy than described for the other POS. We use tabs for organizing, as a result, if you have the Categories tab filter, yes this will list all categories,?which will not nest. Clicking on a category will nest the categories and also provide a list of products within the category in a split UX design. As shown in this screenshot as reference:?
We’ve noted the request on having a parent only nesting category support. As we continue to organize and optimize our UX of the product container view, we will evaluate?this feature request as a filter.
Question: How do endpoint works? I manage to add ‘featured’ tab, but that’s it. Which more endpoints can I add? And how (eventually) can I create new ones?
Comment: In our previous versions we included a tooltip for the supported tab filters. We plan on adding this tooltip back into the UI to help
Currently, here are the supported?filters?and?syntax?for tabs to display products in the POS right now:?
cat:[category name]?For example, cat:hoodies
featuredIf you create a?filter?for the Parent category, this will include the sub categories and products under the parent category as mentioned above and shown in the screenshot.?
We are working to add more filter options and functionality to allow users to create their own customized filters in the future.?
Bug report: Thanks for reporting the issue on Product scrolling performance on mobile, we will get a fix in place in our next release to include this improvement. If you encounter any additional bugs or performance issues, we love hearing about them as we work to continually squash bugs and improve the overall performance with each release.
Finally, if you have a few extra minutes, we’d love it if you would consider?leaving a review with your recommendation. Reviews help increase the visibility of the POS as other community members evaluate options. Plus reviews help motivate us to keep building a great POS for the community as we bring our POS product vision to life.
Thank you for your reply.
At the end I manage to solve question nr.1 and nr.2 together by creating endpoints of each firs-level categories thanks to cat:[category name].
By the way there’s another bug: If you choose “Block POS from ordering out of stock products” and you have a product which is out of stock, the POS still lets you add it to the cart.
Thanks again!
Great the filters helped solve the configuration requirements you need on the product container.
On the bug report about Inventory Management. We did a quick verification check trying to reproduce the bug and weren’t successful running POS version 2.2.1
Here is a quick video showing our reproduction testing to verify: we do have an assumption on the reason behind the behavior. Quick question, do you have the Hold Stock setting to 0? As shown here:
If yes, go ahead and add 1 as a value. Right now, if the stock value is set to 0, we are not blocking the out of stock items. In development, we plan on modifying the logic and support a 0 value to also block out of stock inventory in that use case as well.
If this is not the case, can you send us a quick video similar to our video. Showing us the product details and inventory settings for a product. The POS Settings > Product tab for the station inventory and the behavior of the POS. We’d like to review and try to reproduce the issue you are experiencing.
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