hi kahuitel,
thanks for your question. Its a good one.
At the moment the show_files tag is mainly geared to displaying image thumbnails, so if there is no image and the ‘file_type’ attribute is ‘image’ (which is the default) then the broken image link is displayed if there is no available thumbnail for the file, but clearly this is no good for non image files.
So perhaps an option for text only display would be more appropriate for non image files, or some file type detection is needed to appropriately format the display.
The upload process allows playback of local audio files, i.e. while still on on your pc. After they are uploaded then they would need to be streamed back again which is somewhat inefficient, but possible if needed.
I’ll have a think about how to improve the options for the wtf_fu_show_files tag and get back to you. Give me a day or two or three :).
If you have suggestions on how you would like the wtf_fu_show_files tag options to work, let me know and I’ll try and incorporate them.
ie what attribute would you like to see in the shortcode options ?
perhaps [wtf_fu_show_file display=text_only]
or [wtf_fu_show_file display=auto_detect]
there you go, I’m getting ideas already :).
thanks for your feedback, I will get back to you soon.