• When I try to install WordPress by clicking on install php file, I get this message, “WordPress requires that your web server is running PHP. Your server does not have PHP installed, or PHP is turned off.”

    What does that mean and how do I fix it.

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  • You need to ask your hosting provider about the PHP version.

    SO you can do this. Using your favorite text editor like dreamweaver, sublime text 2 or text wrangler (mac os only), you can create a brand new file and call it something like ‘helpmefindphpinfo.php’ and then you can insert this line of code into it –

    <?php phpinfo() ?>

    – then you want to save it and put it anywhere you would like. I suggest that you put it in the root folder. Then you need to upload it to your hosting account.

    Next, simply visit your site’s domain name and then put / and the name of your php file like this. (without the ”)


    if your current hosting package supports php, you will see your php details, including the version running at that given moment.

    … or you could just go to your CPanel & look down the side panel of information where it should have all of your php version, mysql version and other information already listed for you…… ??

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