• Resolved RG1527


    I am using Multisite Global Search plugin and it works great. I am also using this plugin and it works great. I am having a problem with the search results from global search.

    Basically I cannot figure out how to return co-authors in the global search results.

    this is the code that generates the author info in the search plugin. Any hel pwould be greatly appreciated

    $blogid = '';
    	            foreach( $search as $s ) {
    	                $author = get_userdata( $s->post_author );
    	                if( $blogid != $s->blog_id ) {
    	                    $blogid = $s->blog_id; ?>
    	                    <h2 class='globalblog_title'><?php echo get_blog_option( $blogid, 'blogname' ) ?></h2>
    	                } ?>
    	                <div <?php post_class( 'globalsearch_post' ) ?>>
    	                	<div class="globalsearch_header">
    	                    	<h2 id="post-<?php echo $s->ID.$s->blog_id; ?>" class="globalsearch_title"><a href="<?php echo get_blog_permalink( $s->blog_id, $s->ID ); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php echo __( 'Permanent Link to', 'ms-global-search' ).' '.$s->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $s->post_title ?></a></h2>
    	                    	<p class="globalsearch_meta">
    								<span class="globalsearch_comment"><?php ms_global_search_get_comments_link( $s ); ?></span>
    								<span class="globalsearch_date"><?php echo date( __( 'j/m/y, G:i', 'ms-global-search' ) ,strtotime( $s->post_date ) ); ?></span>
    								<span class="globalsearch_author"><?php echo '<a href="https://' . $s->domain.$s->path.'author/'.$author->user_nicename . '" title="' . $author->user_nicename . '">' . $author->user_nicename . '</a>'; ?></span>
    								<?php echo ms_global_search_get_edit_link( $s, '<span class="globalsearch_edit">', '</span>' ); ?>
    						<div class="globalsearch_content">
    	                    	<div class="entry">
    	                    		if(strcmp($excerpt, "yes") == 0)
    	                    			echo ms_global_search_get_the_excerpt( $s );
    	                        		echo ms_global_search_get_the_content( $s ); ?>
    	    } else { ?>
    		    <h3 class='globalpage_title center'><?php _e( "Not found", 'ms-global-search' ) ?></h3>
    	        <p class='globalpage_message center'><?php _e( "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.", 'ms-global-search' ) ?></p>


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  • Thread Starter RG1527


    As it turns out the Global multisite search plugin creates a view table and searches against that. It doesn’t support custom taxonomies so without a ton of hacking these two plugins will never work together.

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