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  • I can’t see the map code on the page. Have you disabled it?

    Thread Starter johanna2patricia


    I was trying something else, but it is there again now.
    In the Google Javascript console I get this:

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1,+Arnhe…ltstraat+6,+Arnhem&sensor=true&key=.....Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

    I looked this up in Google, but I have no idea what I can do.
    First I thought maybe the W3Total Cache Plugin interfered, but when I deactivated that one, it is still the same.

    I also followed this article: and activated all the keys he lists at the bottom, but still nothing
    Maybe you have an answer?


    It’s the wrong API:

    “The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console:”

    Make sure the API is associated with this website. You need an API key for each site.

    Did you follow these instructions:

    Thread Starter johanna2patricia


    No it’s not the wrong Api Key. I just regenerated a new one to see if that solved it, but it didn’t solve it.
    Yes I followed those instructions. I only have 1 Google Api Key, so there can be no mistakes there.
    And I added these to the wildcards:


    Thread Starter johanna2patricia


    Ok it is working now. Have no idea why, but what I noticed is, that you have to enable the 2 wildcards for your website. Furthermore you have to enable the Google Static Maps Api. I think else it won’t work.


    I viewed the source code and clicked on the SRC link for the map and got the Google message. It tells me the API key is the wrong one.

    Did you create a browser key?

    If so have you tried removing the wildcards?

    <edit>I can now see the map on your site…</edit>

    Get rid of any caching plugins – they are mostly useless and cause more problems than they solve. A well optimised site will be faster and more google friendly than one with a cache.

    Thread Starter johanna2patricia


    I think W3Total Cache is a good plugin and it works well.


    But it doesn’t do anything. I makes very little difference to a first time visitor and subsequent visits aren’t that much faster. If you want a fast site, don’t use themes and plugins that use a lot of scripts.

    And you shouldn’t have to enable the static maps API – I don’t have it enabled and my maps still work.

    Thread Starter johanna2patricia


    That isn’t true that it doesn’t do anything. How can you say that? I saw my sites loading a lot faster after installing the W3 Total Cache Plugin.
    Maybe it isn’t necessary for all sites, but everybody can try it out and measure before and after.

    As for the Static Api, I don’t know what solved it in the end. Maybe it was just the wildcards. I found the Google Api Key quite difficult to get it to work and I am no novice.


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