• Resolved starbanter


    Hello – I am still learning WP and having difficulty with this plugin. The tutorial says if you simply want to award badges, you don’t need to do anything else. But clearly I must do something.

    I also tried to follow the tutorial for setting up achievements, but at the part where he’s going back and forth from the back end to the preview – that didn’t happen for me (page not found). Do you have to make a page with the shortcode first? Or, since I’ve seen written several times that achievements are posts, do I make a post with the shortcode first? I finally found how to get the achievement ID, and I had to dig for that information, frustrating me further. It still didn’t get me a page like in the tutorial.

    I have not downloaded any of the other add-ons (one thing at a time!) and I am not interested right now in using Credly. I would simply like to reward visitors to my site with a little visual kudos for making a worthwhile contribution.

    It seems like it should be simple enough, but unfortunately it isn’t for me. I would like more basic, step-by-step setup information, not assuming that that user knows anything.

    Thanks in advance – I’ve spent hours trying to sort this out and I just have to ask for help.


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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi starbanter, sorry for the slight delay in response. Just so I’m following along properly, which specific video were you not seeing the same results for? That way I could make sure I’m helping understand the right part and offer more information.

    Thread Starter starbanter


    Its the Getting Started video, and right about 5:36 in.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Ok, it looks like you’re getting 404 issues when you try to view the single achievement. Just to be sure it’s been done, could you go re-visit your permalinks settings page, but don’t change any settings. Just visit the url once, and then try to view the achievement again.

    Just as a note, all of the created achievement types are custom post types, which will hopefully clarify things in the future as you get questions.

    Once you’ve done the permalinks settings page and confirmed if that cleared the 404, let me know and we can proceed

    Thread Starter starbanter


    I opened the Permalinks page, yes … but I think maybe I was also not understanding the hierarchy of the achievements. I can see the posts now, and have tried a few different options to see what resulted.

    But – I cannot find any of this on the front end. I still feel like I am missing a basic setup function. I see the achievements in the Menus page, but I didn’t build the site using menus and am not sure how to incorporate them now. I realize this is not a plugin issue, but if you know a way…. ?

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Take for example the “Badges” achievement type that comes out of the box.

    When you navigate to BadgeOS > Badges you see a blank list of badge achievements. But you can add new ones at the top. You click that, fill in the title, content, requirements for it etc, and hit publish. Correct? Then you can go back to that Badges list and click “view” when hovering over the one you just created. When you hit view, you should be lead to a frontend page that shows all of the badge content that you entered.

    This will be the same for any custom ones you add under BadgeOS > Achievements.

    However, they’re not automatically listed anywhere out of the box that I can recall. That’s where things like any widgets/shortcodes come in. Those allow you to display the available achievement types somewhere, say on a page named “Available Achievements”.

    Not sure if they’re available to display in menus, that may be your theme doing its own thing or falling back to a different function to populate a menu.

    Thread Starter starbanter


    I understand a little better – thank you. You are a kind and benevolent plugin developer… I am going to mark this as resolved as my initial question has been answered. I still have work to do but that’s up to me. I appreciate your attentiveness and sorry for my delay in responding.

    Thread Starter starbanter


    I see how to award a badge, and the sidebar link showing “people who have earned this” seems to show only the avatar – no user name. Is there a way to add the username?

    And the shortcode [badgeos_achievements_list] has this line showing up on the page:

    No to display at this time.

    A typo I assume. So that’s two different new topics I know –

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Not sure the sidebar part is set to display user ID by default. For that part, you have 2 filters available


    For the headline aka “People who have earned this” etc. Then you also have


    which is inside a foreach loop. It’s going to pass in this:

    $user_content = '<li><a href="' . get_author_posts_url( $user->ID ) . '">' . get_avatar( $user->ID ) . '</a></li>';

    It’ll be as a string, so it won’t be the easiest thing to manipulate, but it’d be something. The filter will pass in that $user_content variable and the $user->ID int.

    Feel free to start a new thread about the other part. I wager it’s not so much a typo but part of the sentence is controlled by a variable that was strangely empty at the time you saw it. From the following:

    $achievements .= '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'No %s to display at this time.', 'badgeos' ), strtolower( $post_type_plural ) ) . '</p>';

    $post_type_plural was somehow empty.

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