• I have just tried to install WordPress and can’t get it to work.

    I’m using my wife’s account as my host and I have my own domain registered — https://www.the-farm-report.com

    I’ve used FileZilla to upload to the cpanel on my wife’s account at file manager/public_html/the-farm-report.

    After this, I’m lost.

    I tried going to my URL and got the message — Fatal error: Unknown function: get_header () in /home/(my wife’s username)/public_html/the-farm-report/index.php on line 2

    Can anyone tell me what I’ve done wrong and what I need to do next.

    Oh, yeah, I’ve got a screenprint of the cpanel at file manager/public_html/the-farm-report if that’s any help.


    Ted Joy

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  • drmike


    When I follow that link, I don’t see a wordpress install, just a subdirectory labeled Plugin. Why that’s there, I don’t know.

    You have CPanel. Why not just use the autoinstaller?

    have you checked out the instructiopns for using FileZilla?




    i installed worp press on my website, but i can’t do anything with it. i tried to select a theme and it put one up i didn’t select how do i edit this and how do i get it on my selected webpage?



    JoeOliva – suggest you start your own thread rather than take this one over. Also could you then supply your site address so people can help.



    ok thx

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