• mqws



    I want to use Custom Taxonomy Order NE to drag and drop the categories. I’ve changed all necessary settings for it, but I can’t get it to work with my code.

    My current code is:

    $catID = $wp_query->query_vars['cat'];
    $args = array(
    	'term_args'    => array(
    		'hide_empty'    => 1,
    		'parent' 		=> $catID,
    echo '<ul class="categorieoverview">';
    	$terms = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-get-terms', '', $args );
          foreach( (array) $terms as $term){
               echo  '.............

    I tried everything in the args, like orderby, order, hierarchical. Nothing seems to give me the order of categories I’ve set in the admin.

    Any idea what can be wrong?




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  • Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    I don’t understand anything about this code you paste. Is there any context, like a plugin that it needs, or should this be in a template, and which?

    Thread Starter mqws


    Hi Marcel,

    i’m so sorry.
    The code is within category .php and is used to get all information regarding subcategories to display them on the category page.
    I use the above code to display all subcategories with images. The plug-in Taxonomy Images is used to attach thumbs to categories. By this code I call for all subcategories, including their thumbnail.

    I will change the above code to complete it with the echo part. Maybe that makes it more clear to you.

    Issue now is that with this code I can’t seem to use your Custom Taxonomy Order NE plugin.

    Does this make more sense?

    Thread Starter mqws


    The full code:

    $catID = $wp_query->query_vars['cat'];
    $args = array(
    	'term_args'    => array(
    		'hide_empty'    => 1,
    		'parent' 		=> $catID,
    echo '<ul class="categorieoverview">';
    	$terms = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-get-terms', '', $args );
          foreach( (array) $terms as $term){
            echo  '<div class="categoriewrap"><li class="categorie" style="border: 3px solid '. $color_data. ';"><div class="categorie-image"><div class="helper"><a href="' . esc_url( get_term_link( $term, $term->taxonomy ) ) . '">' . wp_get_attachment_image( $term->image_id, 'test' );
               echo '<img src="/******"></a></div></div><div class="cat-title" style="background-color: '. $color_data. ';"><h1><a href="' . esc_url( get_term_link( $term, $term->taxonomy ) ) . '">'.$term->name.'</a></h1></div></li></div>';

    Plugin Author Marcel Pol


    Hmm, it works for me. I can use it inside the loop and outside. It shows the images, and the categories are in the right order.

    In the settings for category, you did set it to follow the above order?
    By default it orders by ID.

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