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  • For me the slider seems to keep loading forever ( using wp 3.5.1).
    Can’t give a link, I’ll probably change it within 10 minutes ??

    In the jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js file, do a find and replace for both instances on “.on” and replace with “.bind” (without the quotation marks of course).
    This fixed the problem I was having with the slider images not sliding.

    I have the same problem with the slider loading forever, also 3.5.1. Replacing .on with .bind did not help.

    Sean, I finally gave up on the Nivo slider after several problems with it loading correctly in IE. There are just too many bugs for my liking.
    Since then, I have switched to using Soliloquy and love it.
    Check it out at

    I liked the simplicity of featured images + a category to decide what to include in the slider. Soliloquy and others seem to want you to use custom post types. Does anyone know of a comparably simple slider?

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