I do enable debug mode: https://prntscr.com/gptryi and https://prntscr.com/gptsdc
You can try to buy and check out this product: https://nt.zoomworld.vn/product/apc-rbc2-replacement-battery . There is no shipping fee: https://prntscr.com/gptu1z . The bug is here:
FedEx REQUEST: Reveal
[WebAuthenticationDetail] => Array
[UserCredential] => Array
[Key] => LorIu6uuuWP4k3qq
[Password] => IIOF9gQjl1Ud47PEn23qbiiXh
[ClientDetail] => Array
[AccountNumber] => 510087500
[MeterNumber] => 118885787
[TransactionDetail] => Array
[CustomerTransactionId] => *** WooCommerce Rate Request ***
[Version] => Array
[ServiceId] => crs
[Major] => 16
[Intermediate] => 0
[Minor] => 0
[RequestedShipment] => Array
[PreferredCurrency] => USD
[DropoffType] => REGULAR_PICKUP
[ShipTimestamp] => 2017-09-27T00:00:00+00:00
[PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
[Shipper] => Array
[Address] => Array
[PostalCode] => 10001
[CountryCode] => US
[ShippingChargesPayment] => Array
[PaymentType] => SENDER
[Payor] => Array
[ResponsibleParty] => Array
[AccountNumber] => 510087500
[CountryCode] => US
[RateRequestTypes] => LIST
[Recipient] => Array
[Address] => Array
[Residential] =>
[PostalCode] =>
[City] =>
[StateOrProvinceCode] => AR
[CountryCode] => US
[RequestedPackageLineItems] => Array
[0] => Array
[SequenceNumber] => 1
[GroupNumber] => 1
[GroupPackageCount] => 2
[Weight] => Array
[Value] => 3
[Units] => KG
[Dimensions] => Array
[Length] => 30
[Width] => 20
[Height] => 10
[Units] => CM
[PackageCount] => 2