The next version of Send Images to RSS will allow you to use an alternate feed even if your feed is set to summaries, so that may be all you need. If you want to delete your current copy of the plugin and replace it with the beta (which is pretty stable, but just be aware that it’s still having the tires kicked), you can download it here.
Is Send Images to RSS currently active on your site? The images look like they’re being run through Jetpack’s Photon module, which won’t work with this plugin, so the plugin should be automatically disabling Photon on the RSS feed, which isn’t happening–so either Photon has changed things up again or the plugin is not processing your feed.
Even if your feed is set to just summaries (which it looks like it’s currently full text, yes?), the featured image should be being added to the excerpt automatically. Can I just confirm that you are setting an image to be the featured image?
One thing you can try is to keep your feed set to full text (for the moment), and check the setting to “Process Both Feeds”, which will add the featured image to the excerpt/summary, but will also process images in the full text.