• I can’t seem to get the “description” field from the feed I want to use to show up. “content:decoded”, “title”, “date” etc. all work fine. I’ve tried various combinations of [data] in the template, but still nothing.

    Here’s the feed: https://events.shu.edu/RSSSyndicator.aspx?binary=N&ics=Y

    You can see there’s a description field there for each item.

    The working URL I’m trying to embed it in is: https://blogs.shu.edu/weekender/. Scroll down to the third section, “Latest Activities,” under “Seton Hall University Events Calendar.”

    My template: `<div class=”hungryfeed_item”>
    <div><a href=”{{permalink}}”>{{title}}</a></div>

    And the shortcode I’m using:

    [hungryfeed url="https://events.shu.edu/RSSSyndicator.aspx?binary=N&ics=Y" link_target="_blank" template="2" strip_ellipsis="1" date_format="l, F j, Y" order="reverse" max_items="5" show_data="1" ]

    When “show_data” is set to 1 it returns this:

        [data] => 
        [attribs] => Array
        [xml_base] =>
        [xml_base_explicit] =>
        [xml_lang] =>
        [child] => Array
                [] => Array
                        [title] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Brooklyn Bridge Alumni Run (8/7/2016)
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [link] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => https://events.shu.edu/EventList.aspx?view=EventDetails&eventidn=7368&information_id=21062&type=&rss=rss
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [description] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => <![CDATA[Join alumni at the 5K Run and Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to support education and law enforcement activities.
    Learn more ]]>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [pubDate] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Sun, 7 Aug 2016 12:30:00 GMT
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [category] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => 8/7/2016
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                [https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/] => Array
                        [encoded] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="https://events.shu.edu/displaymedia.aspx?whatToDo=picture&thumbnail=thumbnail&id=4665" border="0" alt="Alumni Run" /></td><td valign="top"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td style="padding-bottom:1px;"><b>Start Date:</b>?</td><td style="padding-bottom:1px;">8/7/2016</td><td>?<b>Start Time:</b>?</td><td>8:30 AM</td></tr><tr><td><b>End Date:</b>?</td><td>8/7/2016</td><td>?<b>End Time:</b>?</td><td>1:00 PM</td></tr></table><br />Off Campus<br /><br /><p>Join alumni at the 5K Run and Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to support education and law enforcement activities.</p>
    <p><a href="https://bayley.shu.edu/SSLPage.aspx?pid=240&cid=1&ceid=1002&cerid=0&cdt=8%2f7%2f2016">Learn more ?</a></p></td></tr></table>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
        [date] => Array
                [raw] => Sun, 7 Aug 2016 12:30:00 GMT
                [parsed] => 1470573000
        [title] => Brooklyn Bridge Alumni Run (8/7/2016)
        [enclosures] => Array
                [0] => SimplePie_Enclosure Object
                        [bitrate] =>
                        [captions] =>
                        [categories] =>
                        [channels] =>
                        [copyright] =>
                        [credits] =>
                        [description] =>
                        [duration] =>
                        [expression] =>
                        [framerate] =>
                        [handler] =>
                        [hashes] =>
                        [height] =>
                        [javascript] =>
                        [keywords] =>
                        [lang] =>
                        [length] =>
                        [link] =>
                        [medium] =>
                        [player] =>
                        [ratings] =>
                        [restrictions] => Array
                                [0] => SimplePie_Restriction Object
                                        [relationship] => allow
                                        [type] =>
                                        [value] => default
                        [samplingrate] =>
                        [thumbnails] =>
                        [title] =>
                        [type] =>
                        [width] =>
        [links] => Array
                [alternate] => Array
                        [0] => https://events.shu.edu/EventList.aspx?view=EventDetails&eventidn=7368&information_id=21062&type=&rss=rss
                [https://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/alternate] => Array
                        [0] => https://events.shu.edu/EventList.aspx?view=EventDetails&eventidn=7368&information_id=21062&type=&rss=rss


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