• 1. audioplayer plugin is installed and activated.
    2. Audio files directory is set correctly.
    3. shortcode in the post: [audio:audiofile.mp3].
    4. Firebug code inspector finds the following code in the rendered page:
    <object width="290" height="24" id="audioplayer1" data="https://www.mydomainname.net/wp/wp-content/plugins/audio-player/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param value="https://www.mydomainname.net/wp/wp-content/plugins/audio-player/player.swf" name="movie"/><param value="playerID=1&bg=0xf8f8f8&leftbg=0xeeeeee&lefticon=0x666666&rightbg=0xcccccc&rightbghover=0x999999&righticon=0x666666&righticonhover=0xffffff&text=0x666666&slider=0x666666&track=0xFFFFFF&border=0x666666&loader=0x9FFFB8&soundFile=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mydomainname.net%2Fwpwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2009%2F12%2Faudiofile.mp3" name="FlashVars"/><param value="high" name="quality"/><param value="false" name="menu"/><param value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor"/></object>

    5. Theme: custom created with Artisteer.
    6. Result: no audio player.

    I’ve used audioplayer on another wordpress blog and it worked fine.

    What am I doing wrong?

    PS – I replaced the domain name and audio file name with generics.

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  • a) First verify that the .mp3 is actually accessible by pasting the actual url to the file in your browser.

    b) If you can play or download the .mp3 in your browser, go back and re-check and verify the path to your audio file directory in the audio-player setup page.

    Make sure the path actually leads to the correct /uploads/ folder for the file, and not to //www.yourdomain.com/audio , by default.

    You don’t mention what you actually see in your post, so I will assume you might be seeing just the short code you used, or maybe getting a javascript or flashplayer error message.

    5. Theme: custom created with Artisteer.

    Check and see if the wp_head() function is missing in your theme’s header. If it is, put the following code into your theme’s header file right before the (closing) </head> tag.

    <?php wp_head(); ?></head> Then try the audio player short code again.

    If you are seeing the player with no problem, but just can’t get it to play, it’s pretty likely just an error in the path to the file.

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