Hi there!
Thanks for taking the time to try to debug the issue, and sending in your site URL via our support forms.
The error messages “Blocked script execution” are expected behavior, and don’t indicate that anything has gone wrong. Jetpack Boost uses an invisible iframe with strict security settings while generating Critical CSS, and some browsers report everything the iframe settings block as errors in the console. It’s noise I wish we could eliminate, but browser security rules don’t allow that.
The Jetpack Boost UI uses WordPress’ JSON API to talk to the server – but by the time you see “Blocked script execution” messages in your console, it has already successfully spoken to the server – so it seems unlikely to be an issue with server communications. I doubt this is an issue with your XMLRPC settings.
The IP address you’ve seen on other forum threads is out of date now. Early versions of Jetpack Boost used a callback mechanism when generating Speed Scores, which required some users to allow-list our IP address. But due to problems we have changed the way speed scores are returned to sites, eliminating the need to allow that IP address.
I’ve taken a look at your site, and I can’t see anything there which should break our Critical CSS Generator.
Can I ask you some more questions about the way it fails?
Does the Jetpack Boost dashboard show an error at the end of the generation process? It should appear in red text below the Critical CSS toggle. If so, can you please let me know what it says there?
If it doesn’t show anything useful there, it may be worth scrolling to the bottom of your browser’s console to see if there is an error generated at the end of the process which doesn’t say “Blocked script execution” – in case that sheds some light on what has gone wrong.
Finally, can I please ask which browser you are using while generating Critical CSS for your site? I do test our plugin in a variety of browsers, but you never know – it may turn out to be something we hadn’t thought of before.
Thanks for bearing with us, I hope we can get this sorted out.
— Mark George
Jetpack Boost developer