Can't find visual editor
Ever since the upgrade to 3.2 (I am using the current 3.3.1),I haven’t been able to use the visual editor. It doesn’t show up, nor does the html page. The whole menu bar is empty. I have tried deactivating all plugins, reinstalling wordpress, switching themes, clearing caches, virtually everything that I can think of and have seen mentioned in the forum. Nothing seems to bring it back. Any ideas?
That bug sounds oddly familiar.
Idea : what if you create in Admin > Settings > Users a new user (with the same rank as you), exit your blog and your blog admin, empty your browser cache, login to your blog as the new member, and try to create a post ?
Perhaps the visual editor will be back.
If that works, then, throwing logic down the gutter, you’ll have to toy with phpmyadmin and do tedious work. It’s a long description, I’ll write it only if, sadly, it is needed, just ask ??This same thing is happening to me and started when I upgraded my site. Everything is white when I type and I can only see it if I highlight it with my cursor. I also tried all the things listed above by the original poster.
I logged in as one of my contributors and they can see everything that I cannot.
I did as suggested. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. ??
The visual editor and html tab are still missing.
So what do I need to do in phpmyadmin?@ Dochoch
Then for you, I can do nothing, sadly. Did you check in the Users settings if the option “disable the visual editor” was checked ? if it is checked, uncheck it, and you should be done.Just in case, @dochoch and @Infleming : you can try ticking the Disable Visual Editor, and unticking it, saving every time, a few times, it may work. In my case, when I had to fix it for a member of my blog afflicted by the problem, it didn’t work.
And, lastly, if it works with another user but not with your user, the trick I used was annoying, but worked, I used phpmyadmin to
– backup my database first
– find the userID of the user for which it didn’t work (User 1) (search the users table for the name of your user)
– find the userID of the brand new user for which everything worked (user 2)
– and then the totally painful work began.
. open in two new browser tabs the link to phpmyadmin’s own Search tab
. search in the wp_usermeta table for the userID number of your users 1 and 2, filtering it to just the userID row, it will return only the options relevant to both the accounts, one per browser tab.
. control-c control-v copy everything from account 2 (working) into account 1 (broken), overwriting the previous values, going as far as removing the rows that were present in user 1 and not in user 2
– exit phpmyadmin, empty your browser cache when your blog is not open inside it (I never knew if it wouldn’t prevent a website’s cookies from being deleted), go to the blog admin as the “real” admin, tick to disable visual editor for User 1, save, then un-tick to have the visual editor activated, save again.
And if heavens (or the Pastafari, for all I know) smile upon you, now it will work.Sadly, the problem is that the visual editor doesn’t show up for anyone, so I can’t compare various users. Don’t know if a clean install would fix the problem or not. That basically means erasing the site and starting over. Not a pleasant thought.
Dochoch, did you TRY what I suggested, ticking it on and off, and again, until you leave it unticked ?
Now, another precision : wordpress comes in two parts.
– the database, this is the contents you wrote, the options, the settings
– the blog files : the wordpress core (the root folder, the wp/admin and wp/includes folders), the customization files (the wp-content/themes wp-content/plugins folders), and lastly, the wp-content/uploads folder (I always avoided using that, precisely to keep things separated, but to each his own).
In this regard, on a standard blog you haven’t started tweaking, you can SAFELY delete the contents of wp-admin and wp-includes, and also of the root folder (just make a backup of the .htaccess and wp-config file, or simply don’t delete them two). And then reupload a fresh version from a copy.
(Ninja trick : ftp-upload everying in advance to a subfolder created for that occasion, and only after the upload is finished, delete the previously mentioned folders, and move everything to the root)
THAT is a clean reinstallation of wordpress.And even if you do a clean wordpress reinstallation, all your posts, blog options, pages, uploads (do NOT delete the wp-content/uploads folder !) are safe and will be back at once. All that other stuff is stored in the database.
You can also try deactivating your plugins (link) and revert back to the default Twenty-thing template, to see if it fixes your problem.
Lastly – should have written it first -, you can simply reinstall wordpress from your admin’s dashboard, I insist : this is SAFE, you won’t lose anything, and it might perhaps fix your issue.
Sorry I didn’t mention that. Yes, I did tick it on and off multiple times on both users, logged out, cleared the cache, logged back in and nothing. Logged out and back in as the other user and still nothing.
I had already reinstalled from the admin dashboard several times before posting here.
I did deactivate the plugins via ftp as described. By doing that, I got the default visual editor back in a very basic form, but not the html tab. TinyMCE plugins do not seem to work however. This is all on the twenty eleven theme.Do you think that another install via ftp would make any difference?
I reinstalled WordPress, cleared my cache, signed in as a different user, recleared my cache, then signed in as myself again and it worked. Good luck dococh, hope you get it figured out.
In my case i can see the admin toolbar and the visual editor in my PC , but in my laptop it disappeared. did all the things you mentioned above but no luck,, what the heck this issue is?
I solve this problem by removing this lines of codes in this file:
public_html >> wp-includes >> class-wp-editor.php
about line 598 to 602:‘.wp-editor-wrap’), ‘mousedown’, function(e){
if ( )
wpActiveEditor =, -5);
});Click on Users, then user you want to change.
Be sure that the option in the first line is unchecked:Visual Editor: Disable the visual editor when writing
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