• Great plugin – really flexible!

    I’ve set up a frontend uploader form on one of my pages set to create posts and it seems to work well for the most part.

    When I submit the form with a file, the custom fields and other content in the form, show in the post that is created. However, there is no trace of the file I’ve uploaded in the media library or anywhere else. The form itself seems to upload the file and I get a success message, but I can’t see the file anywhere in the post or elsewhere.

    Am I doing something obviously wrong? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!

    Here is my form code:

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[fu-upload-form class="abstract-form" title="Upload your Abstract" form_layout="post" suppress_default_fields="true" append_to_post="1"]
    [input type="text" name="post_title" id="title" class="required" description="Title"]
    [radio name="preferred_contribution" class="checkboxes" description="Preferred Contribution" values="Poster:poster,Oral:oral"]
    [input type="file" name="photo" id="ug_photo" class="required" description="Upload Abstract"]
    [textarea name="post_content" class="textarea" id="ug_caption" description="Comments (optional)"]
    [input type="submit" class="btn" value="Submit"]
    [/fu-upload-form]'); ?>


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  • Thread Starter grooverfw123


    I think I got this solved.

    To get the files to upload (and then subsequently show in the media library for the post) I needed to use:


    rather than:


    I’m wondering if there is a reason to use the latter option in some cases given that post_media creates a post and includes the files too?

    I’m sure this has been asked elsewhere but is there any guidance on how to automatically add the uploaded file into the post rather than just in the media library?

    Again, great plugin, glad I put the time into learning a bit more about it.

    Hi Thanks for updating this! How did you get your custom form elements to return to your control panel? I can only see the default fields which are empty as I’m not using them.

    Thread Starter grooverfw123


    Any additional fields you add to your form should show up as custom fields in the post that gets created when the form is submitted.

    If you can’t see these in the WordPress admin, when editing the post, lower down the page, you may need to click the ‘screen options’ button in the top right and then tick the ‘custom fields’ option.

    These custom fields can be displayed on the front end of your site by outputting them within the loop in your templates. Hope that helps.

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