• I have searched this forum and googled like crazy, but I cannot find my RSS feed link. I’ve tried all of the suggested links, but cannot find it. The theme I am using is Yashfa and my blog is https://diningdiva.ca.

    Am I supposed to activate the RSS widget? If so, what am I supposed to enter in the fields? Help! I’m still a relative newbie to WordPress.

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  • Hi,

    You can get the RSS feed path here:

    If wordpress installed on your domain:

    If wordpress installed on sub directory:


    Shane G.

    Thread Starter karinbasaraba


    It didn’t work. The same thing shows up every time I try a different option:

    Page not found
    The page you are looking for might have been removed,
    had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.




    I got exactly the same problem, is there any solution out there?

    I tried all the suggested links from

    The feed just doesn’t exist…

    I’m using the wp-launch theme by

    Thanks for any help!!!

    https://www.diningdiva.ca/?feed=rss works for the OP

    can’t find it without link

    Try adding this bit of code in the header between the <head> tags for the RSS 2.0 feed.

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />

    If that doesn’t work, try a direct link based on your website as posted by RVoodoo. In the above code replace <?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?> with https://www.yourwebsite.com/?feed=rss2

    I was having the same problem earlier and adding this line of code worked.


    Very much a novice using wordpress. In the process of setting up my blog with the Punchcut theme and can’t get the RSS feed to work. When I click through on the RSS button on my page, the link is broken. How do I make the RSS button in the header of the blog link to a feed page which allows my readers to use different feed readers? Does it require creating a new page?

    The following code is located in the header.php of the punch theme

    <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/flw-rss.png" alt="<?php _e('RSS Feed', 'punchcut') ?>"/></a>

    My blog is https://www.thespiltbean.com

    Any help would be great


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