• I have been asked to upgrade the local church’s web site, but I am not at all familiar with WordPress (I create web sites using HTML and CSS), so am a bit concerned about making a pig’s ear of it!
    My first problem is that when I did a complete download of the WordPress site as a backup, there was a file I couldn’t download – header-stbees.jpg (probably a local image he uses so not vital) – and I can’t find .htaccess which the upgrade instructions stresses I must not forget.
    When I first set up the hosting area on the general hosting area I use for local sites for the Vicar to use for his WordPress site, a WordPress expert helped set up the software for me. Is this service still available and does it include upgrades.
    Alternatively, how do I solve the problems mentioned above before proceeding with an upgrade myself.

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  • .htaccess files are hidden (thats what the “dot” is for). IF there is one on the site, and there may not be, you will need to configure your FTP client to show hidden files, in order to see it.

    … a WordPress expert helped set up the software for me

    If you are talking about install4free, that service never included any kind of unpaid upgrade support.

    There are folks on the forum that do upgrades for a fee, however.

    ..how do I solve the problems mentioned above before proceeding with an upgrade myself.

    I believe I have addressed the .htaccess issue already. If you cannot seem to download that other particular file using whatever client you are using, than you will to provide more info — FTP clients are very good at spitting out the actual reason why something cannot be done.

    Thread Starter begadoc


    Thanks Whooami for your help.
    I hadn’t noticed I had hidden files set to not show. Now found it.
    As for the file that won’t download, the error message was not very helpful, so I hadn’t quoted it! The file does exist (I can move it around on the server) but I can’t download it. The file access properties I had set to 777 – full access for everything for everyone! I don’t think this is a problem as we can re-create it anyway.

    Error message.
    Started: 14/03/2009 13:49
    /httpdocs/wp-content/header-stbees (11:03:2009 07:38).jpg – error occurred – An FTP error occurred – cannot get header-stbees (11:03:2009 07:38).jpg. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.
    File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were not completed.
    Files with errors: 1
    /httpdocs/wp-content/header-stbees (11:03:2009 07:38).jpg

    Finished: 14/03/2009 13:49

    ok, so your ftp client doesnt like the header for some reason. download it in your browser (it’s in a web accessible path), if need be, rename it.. I dunno, experiment. you cant break anything trying to download a file.

    i should say too, that given the location of that file on the site (inside the wp-content directory), the version of wordpress that you indicated is currently in use on this particular site, and the error that you are seeing regarding the actual header of the file, it might be interesting to see whats inside it.

    Its not uncommon that older wordpress sites that are hacked end up with files on the site that are named as to indicate that they are image files, but are in fact, scripts.

    That its world-readable and writable is also interesting.

    If you can provide the url to the blog in question, its easy enough to look at. It may be nothing, then again, you never know.

    I can’t find the .htaccess file. I have wp 2.7.1. I searched for it in the instalation folder and nothing.
    Also I tried puting the opcion “-a” in the ftp client, so that show the hidden files and nothing..
    When i change the permalinks changing de default, (settings – permalinks ) any one I choose it appear the message “Permalink structure updated”, and when I try to enter to the blog it appear the error 404.
    Also, I checked after that if the htaccess file was created and.. no.

    My blog is https://www.otromundoverde.com/blog

    please HELP!!!!

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