• New user here. This may be a dumb question – I perhaps don’t understand how the page is set up. I am looking at the sites


    or my test site of https://carolswebservices.com/

    My problem is I cannot find the code for the video on the home page! I open the page that has the text starting with “Lisa is smart, successful, driven, charismatic and selfless. She is …”
    but there is no video code before this text. I want to make a change to the code but I cant find the code. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    Thank you if anyone can help.


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  • Hi Carol

    Interesting. Is that a post or page? Or maybe the video is in a section of theme options? If its on a page or post, click on the “text” tab on the edit post/page view instead of the “visual” tab.

    The “visual” tab will not show any code for embeds. Only the “text” tab will show that. Let me know if that doesn’t help


    Thread Starter carolmh


    Its a page called “Lisa Sasso, MBA, CPCC, ACC” and it contains the text that is to the right of the video.

    No, its not set to “visual” in the editor.

    Hmm Ok then. I would suspect that the video is not within the page itself but rather a theme option setting like a block or something. What theme is it? If it is a free theme in the directory, I will check this out


    Thread Starter carolmh


    When I click on themes it says “Current Theme
    Twenty Eleven” Is that what you need? If you need me to send more info, let me know. Thanks!

    Could your theme developer have put this video into your header.php file? Here is the source code from your website on that page

    <div class='titleblock'><span id="lisaname">Lisa Sasso, MBA, CPCC, ACC</span><span style="float: right;  margin-right: 91px;">Coach, Leader & Motivational Speaker</span></div><div class="videofront" style="float: left;
        height: 206px;
        margin-right: 5px;
        width: 300px;"><iframe width="300" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1NIGuNiAZBM?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0"  wmode="Opaque" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>        <div  class="header-content">

    It mentions the class as “header-content” If you want, check your header.php file in your theme editor for the twenty eleven theme and do a control find for “youtube”

    And you said you are certain that you are viewing that page in the “text” tab right?


    Thread Starter carolmh


    Yes, I am sure I’m looking at the code view and not some WYSIWYG view of that page.

    That’s an interesting thought to look in the header. I dont see it immediately if I go to header.php I will look around in any files that might have “header-content” in them. I will get back to you if that doesn’t work. Thanks again.

    Wow, this is now driving me crazy since I want to figure this out as much as you do LOL Please let me know when you do find the solution so my mind can be put at rest ??


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