• Hi, I’ve uploaded the wordpress folder and opened the wp-config.php file, and added the login info I use for normally uploading to my .ftp server. However I get an “Error establishing database connection” message. “This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server” Should I be using the same login info as I use to upload to the server? I am completely stuck. Thanks.

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  • Should I be using the same login info as I use to upload to the server?

    No. The information you must provide is the name of your database, the name of your database user, and that database users password to access the database.

    This might be of some help: Editing wp-config.php

    Remember not to name your wordpress folder as ‘wordpress’, it will give you the database connection error just like yours. I had a nightmare trying to figure this one out.

    Remember not to name your wordpress folder as ‘wordpress’

    Uh? That’s the first I’ve heard of this one. You should be able to call your WP whatever you want/like.

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    Doesn’t matter. I renamed the folder from WordPress to parkhurs and now I’m officially “NOT FOUND” Help!!

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    I’m going back to Dreamweaaver. This is taking waaaaaay too much time and headache…

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    OK I renamed it “wordpress” again but it STILL does not resolve the original issue: how do I upload images from my computer without getting that error message: “Error establishing database connection”


    This is not sound advice for your issue:

    Remember not to name your wordpress folder as ‘wordpress’, it will give you the database connection error just like yours. I had a nightmare trying to figure this one out.

    It has nothing to do with your wp-config information, or your database issue.

    Go to the link I gave you above, and read the directions for entering your database information in your wp-config.php file. That is how you will solve your error.

    If you have not yet created a database, therein resides the larger of your issues. If you have created a database, the name of the database, the user name for the database, and the user name’s password for the database is what you need to enter in wp-config.

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    I did all that already. This is how I got a page started but NOT able to upload anything. It looks like this:

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘parkhurs_wordpress’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘USERNAME’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘PASSWORD’);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    Should I remove the comments above? Do I need to add something? Is there another .php file I have to modify in order to upload something?


    username and password removed by moderator

    Oh, man…

    If those are your real database credentials, you should redact them now, while you can still edit your post, or else put a “modlook” tag on the post and ask a moderator to remove them for you please.

    I did all that already. This is how I got a page started but NOT able to upload anything

    Thanks for clearing that up. Until now, you hadn’t shared that information with us, so on to your new problem: Uploading errors.

    how do I upload images from my computer without getting that error message: “Error establishing database connection”

    Uploading images shouldn’t give you that error.

    a) How are you uploading them? Using ftp client, or by using the media up-loader in the wordpress dashboard?

    b) is this a server you built, or on a hosting service such as Godaddy, Bluehost, etc… ?

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    I was trying to upload via the wordpress dashboard.

    I could upload to the server if I knew how to access the images from there.

    Server is on NDCHost.com and I was told is “is fully WordPress compatible”

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    I’m uploading using Dreamweaver…

    Okay. I hope that works for you. Make sure you are using your ftp credentials and not your database credentials in dreamweaver. Please take notice of what I said to you above and act on it accordingly.

    If those are your real database credentials, you should redact them now, while you can still edit your post, or else put a “modlook” tag on the post and ask a moderator to remove them for you please.

    Thread Starter Parkhurst


    Make sure you are using your ftp credentials and not your database credentials in dreamweaver. Don’t know what you mean here. You mean create and FTP username, password? That didn’t work when I tried that first. Should I not be using Dreamweaver? I’m just using it to upload the wordpress folder to the server. It worked before.

    What part are you referring to of what you said “above”?

    What is “redacting” my credentials?? What the — is a “modlock tag??

    Who is a moderator and how do I find them?

    By the way, I can no longer find the login window to log in. How do I find it? There’s no information on this. It was up before…

    I am so thoroughly confused I don’t even know how to get back to square one!


    I wouldnt have posted that, if i had not tried it. I named it wordpress and it would give me database connection error (on fresh install) , i renmad it and it started working. Just to check i named it wordpress again and it gave the same error.

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