• Since recently I have come across a very strange ‘thing’.
    I can’t delete/empty the post_content anymore.

    If I am writing a post (in draft) and I delete all the content and then save as draft, all the deleted text will show up again. It will only be replaced if the lengt of the replaced text is > 0 because if I replace it with a space it will get replaced, but if I delete the content, it doesn’t get saved.

    This does not happen on my .dev installation (homebrew), only on the ‘live server’.

    Yes, I did switch back to twentyfifteen, but no change.
    Yes, I did deactivate all plugins but no change.
    Yes, I did reupload all plugins.
    Yes, I did reupload the entire theme.

    This site has been running since January of 2013 and has never had any problems. On a sidenote, I make my living building WP sites but I can’t wrap my head around this issue.

    Even though all plugins are/were deactivated, can some form of caching be of any influence ?

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