• I don’t know if this has to do directly with theme, but it seems to. At the top of every edit page, I get this notice. Upon dismissing it, the notice re-appears:

    This theme recommends the following plugin: HappyForms.
    Begin installing plugin | Dismiss this notice

    The notice is contained in the following div tag
    <div id=”setting-error-tgmpa” class=”notice notice-warning settings-error is-dismissible”>

    It uses the classes: notice-warning settings-error. I don’t want to use your other plugin. This is neither a settings error nor should it be a warning. Normally, I would code backend CSS to make this advertisement disappear, but since it’s codes as an error/warning I don’t want to make them all disappear.

    Any other ideas how to remove this perpetually self-respawning advertisement?

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