• Hi There,

    This is a little complicated but… I have a website created before WP. Enlisting the help of a now emigrated friend, He recreated the website to PHP and WP. I used Wampserver and it sees the folder I have created in WWW called blog which contains the WP themes etc. Now when I log in to WP and go to Dashboard I only get the blog page and can’t access/see other pages. The blog page displays incorrectly with what looks like broken image icons among links like comments etc and all the text all left aligned without styling.I can’t find help/info on where I am at at the moment. My aim is to fix up the website a bit more, add widgets, counters etc then upload to my hosting server where current one is! Don’t know what i’m doing wrong but trying to understand. Go easy i’m a newbie please and the lingo stumps me!

    Thanks so so much in advance

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  • Hello Salmonofk,
    Are you sure you have the correct permission for your admin login? Seems like you don’t have correct login with your wordpress admin.
    Can you post a screen shot here ?
    [signature moderated]

    Thread Starter salmonofk


    Hi Mahmud,

    Thank you so much for your reply! I logged in ok, and when I go to Themes I activated my theme that my friend had recreated in PHP coding and it shows my homepage in small on dashboard. But when I go to pages menu on left handside, it just says it has 1 page and this is listed as sample! Very confused! I have captured a screenshot (please see attached). Is this what you are looking for? I have also included screenshot of the wampserver path to where the files are. I have no idea where I went wrong! What do you think? does it make sense? I am sure I replaced the sample files with his zipped files. I used Imageshack which gave me 2 coding’s for the 2 screenshot uploads. second one is for “if it doesn’t work”?! Thanks a million!




    Hi could be a problem with your database? Look in you wp_config.php file for the settings for the database. This tells you the name of the database your site is using. Type localhost in your browser to open local host then click on phpadmin. You should see the name of your database.in there. Check if there is another database there. If so you could change your wp_config settings to that database and see if your missing pages appear.

    Thread Starter salmonofk


    Hi Kacomp,

    Thank you for your reply! I’m tearing my hair out a little! The config file shows my database name which is correct. If I enter anything else eg password I cant get past localhost/theafterschoolclub/. It seams to see only the first page ok but anything else it doesn’t. Maybe its a theme index thing? I want this to be totally offline and standalone until I get it right using WordPress program before I overwrite the existing site I have. I have no idea what is wrong because I’m seriously new to this :-(. Does WordPress have a remote help service that can see whats wrong?

    Thanks for all the help so far

    Can you replicate the problem using the default Twenty Twelve theme with all plugins deactivated?

    Does WordPress have a remote help service that can see whats wrong?

    www.remarpro.com distributes and documents the WordPress application but has no connection with any site running that software

    Hi esmes idea is good! Also, what I do when developing sites is create a sub folder next to the folder where the live site is and create a new wordpress installation there. You can make it potected so only specific users can log in and see the site if you want them to. Then you can develop the site using the same setup as your live site. When you are ready for it to go live just modify a few paths and away you go, it’s really simple. Then if you have problems you can show others who might be able to help you when they see your site.
    Something else you could try is creating a new post with new image to see if you are writing to the correct database.

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