Hi @juliethorpe2021 –
When we test the connection to your site via the xmlrpc.php
file, we’re seeing a 403 Error. This indicates that something on your site or server is blocking our requests.
I’d ?suggest ?checking if ?you ?have ?any? security ?plugins ?activated that? might? be? blocking? our requests.? If ?not, ?try ?contacting ?your ?hosting ?provider ?and ?asking ?them? to ?check? their ?security ?logs ?to ?see ?if ?they ?are ?blocking? or ?otherwise ?limiting ?incoming ?and ?outgoing? connections ?over ?XML-RPC.?
Jetpack? uses? this ?file ?to? communicate ?with ?your ?site, ?but ?some ?hosts ?block? connection ?requests ?to ?that ?file.
Our? requests ?look ?like ?the ?following:
- ?File:? ?http-//your-site.com/xmlrpc.php?
-? User-agent?header:? Jetpack ?by ?WordPress.com
-? IPs: ?https://jetpack.com/support/how-to-add-jetpack-ips-allowlist/
Please ?ask ?them? to ?allowlist ?the ?IP ?addresses? listed? above. ?Note? that ?these ?IP ?addresses ?could? change ?(or ?more ?could ?be? added)? at ?any ?time,? which? could? break? your? connection ?to ?Jetpack. ?For ?this? reason, ?we ?actually ?discourage ?allowing ?specific ?IPs, ?although ?with? some? hosts ?it ?may ?be ?the? only ?option.
Let ?us ?know ?how? that ?goes.