msbt, Please excuse me while I derail this topic some more.
sefin, Your support staff is requesting admin access to WordPress installations. That’s amazingly bad and full stop, not permitted here.
Repeating that is a problem. If you feel that you need that level of access to support your free users then please seriously consider closing your plugin here and taking it all to your own forums.
They’re also using signatures on every post. Cut that out, that’s also not permitted.
The second one in minor, the first on is very serious. Please get the people who are supporting your free users (not customers) here to stop doing that.
If that does continue then this will be escalated to the plugins team.
NOTE! You’re not being singled out, this applies to all authors here. But please, take this very seriously. If you have any questions then please feel free to contact the plugins team via plugins[at]
I now return this topic back to the original poster. That user does need support after all.