I’m just trying different subscription plugins as I havent’t found the perfect one for me yet.
Yours could be a candidate for me but there is still a huge issue.
The problems above with site_url and home_url I checked and set all up correctly. In the first place, I hat also the problem with an additional subdirectory string in the url when submitting.
Now I’m fine when submitting, BUT if the user is entering nothing or a wrong email adress (happens all the time) and gets the error message, then correcting it instantly and submitting again, THEN I do have the problem with the second subdireoctry string in the url again.
So the string in the first place still is a bug I think, because it somes up again if the user has to submit twice cause of error messages.
Could you have a look at that? I think if you got a solution for that, the problems metioned above aren’t any issue anymore either way.