had upgraded wordpress to latest Nov. 2019. Used latest WP cerber. No luck. Here’s my story if it helps someone else.
dropped cerber_lab_ip from main SQL list (root)
installed again and click activate :
error cerber_lab_net exists delete before import
I see cerber_lab in mysql not with the _net
under cerber_lab there’s an IP name in the table structure
Ok so then I dropped That entire table off the root.
Then cerber_lab_ip popped up again in the root! Yeah cache works? Boo not right now please!
Dropped cerber_lab_ip again
Still see cerber_acl
uninstalling from WP again and clearing cache to try reinstall
and while those names and a few others buried show they are not there if you click (doesn’t exist)
And I have not deleted any stuff via FTP sinc these are database errors and I imagine the
files are overwritten on reinstall if not deleted on uninstall
SADLY NOT working: Tablespace for table ‘(mywp)
‘ exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cerber_lab_net ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT “IP address”, ip_long_begin BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, ip_long_end BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, country CHAR(3) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT “Country code”, expires INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, PRIMARY KEY (ip), UNIQUE KEY begin_end (ip_long_begin, ip_long_end) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT=”Cerber lab network cache”;
uninstall, deactivating W3, purge cloudflare, reinstall. Then Activate: NOT WORKING.
Tablespace for table ‘(mywp)
‘ exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before …etc
A database search for cerber_lab_net returns Nothing.
dropping the cerber_lab prefixed tables and trying to activate again: No go.
trying to check for error log on my shared host I do not see one.
I keep turning off things I think may be interfering and worrying like wp_cerber they won’t restart so about to give up. Very disappointing, appreciated the plugin features and sense of security.
found check table in myphpadmin. All tables check status OK, ran repair table command anyway.”The storage engine for the table doesn’t support r” which I imagine ends in repair, but the test indicated no errors.
But I can’t install it anymore. I’m out. Sorry. Mad. Disappointed.
Can’t activate WP Cerber due to a database error.
Tablespace for table ‘(myWP)
‘ exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cerber_lab_net ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT “IP address”, ip_long_begin BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, ip_long_end BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, country CHAR(3) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT “Country code”, expires INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT “0”, PRIMARY KEY (ip), UNIQUE KEY begin_end (ip_long_begin, ip_long_end) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT=”Cerber lab network cache”;