When you moved your wordpress to the new host, did you back up the site files and take a sql database backup? You need the sql database backup. You need to make a new database, name it whatever, any username and any strong password. Note these. Then, click in that database, go to Import and upload the zipped folder of your old database backup. Then it should finish and you’ll see all these tables. Next, in File Manager you need to go to your wpconfig.php file, click Edit, and where it says the database name user and password, need to update these with what you wrote down and click save.
Here’s the steps if using cpanel in new host:
Manage my databases
Create database. Then user and password. Then click Add to join the database and user together, click all privileges to check all boxes.
Go back to cpanel, this time next to the manage my databases you want to click phpmyadmin.
Click databases, click on your new database to go into it. Click import tab. Upload database backup zipped file. (if you don’t have a backup, go to this same spot click your site database under databases tab, then click export tab. click Quick. Save this zip somewhere you’ll upload this to import.
Go to wpconfig.php update database name user password, save