• Hey!

    I have been trying to figure wordpress out over the last couple of days and today after deleting a few links in the footer of a downloaded theme I now get “This theme is sponsored, all links in the footer should remain intact”. That’s all fine and dandy but now I cannot access the file to change the footer back to its original. I can’t access the login or any other page without this message popping up. How can I solve this?

    Thanks in advance

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  • use ftp or a file manager if your host offers one

    Delete that theme from the
    wp-content->themes->theme name

    folder. Deleting it will set you back to the twentyten theme

    Don’t use it anymore. Theme’s that do that should be avoided. There are tonnes of free theme right here

    And from reputable theme sites.

    I agree, but if you really want to keep that theme, re-upload the footer file you edited.
    I’ve seen some of these themes where the designers, rather than trying to sell the theme, adds links to sites in the footer that earn them cash, but its on your website, and you will get nothing for passing that traffic on.

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