cannot start jobs ; access not authorized, choose another folder
I have installed this great plugin, but I cannot run any jobs
Le dossier /home/vol3_6/ n’est pas autorisé, veuillez en choisir un autre. Le dossier /home/vol3_6/ n’est pas autorisé, veuillez en choisir un autre.
sorry… its french :-)… access not authorized. But the 2 folders are created with permissions 755 (I also tried 777).
I also created the target folder ; /home/vol3_6/ with same rightsVersion WordPress : 5.4.2 Version BackWPup: 3.7.1 Version PHP: 7.4.8 (64bit) Version MySQL: 5.6.48-88.0 Version cURL: 7.61.1 Version SSL cURL: NSS/3.36 URL WP-Cron: Connexion au serveur: Réponse au test positive Document root: /home/vol3_6/ Dossier temporaire: /home/vol3_6/ Dossier des fichiers journaux: /home/vol3_6/ Serveur: Apache Système d’exploitation: Linux PHP SAPI: apache2handler Utilisateur PHP actuel: Fonction désactivée Temps maximum d’exécution: 20 secondes Temps maximum d’exécution d’un script de BackWPup: 30 secondes WP Cron alternatif: Off WP Cron désactivé: Off CHMOD Dir: 0755 Heure du serveur: 11:23 Heure du site web: 11:23 Fuseau horaire du site web: Décalage temps avec le site web: 0 heures Langue du site: fr-FR Type d’encodage du client MySql: utf8mb4 Limite mémoire de PHP: 158M Limite mémoire de WP: 158M Limite mémoire maximum de WP: 158M Mémoire utilisée: 34,50 MB Fonctions PHP désactivées :: exec, system, passthru, shell_exec, escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, proc_close, proc_open, ini_alter, dl, popen, popen, pcntl_exec, socket_accept, socket_bind, socket_clear_error, socket_close, socket_connect, socket_create_listen, socket_create_pair, socket_create, socket_get_option, socket_getpeername, socket_getsockname, socket_last_error, socket_listen, socket_read, socket_recv, socket_recvfrom, socket_select, socket_send, socket_sendto, socket_set_block, socket_set_nonblock, socket_set_option, socket_shutdown, socket_strerror, socket_write, stream_socket_server, pfsockopen, disk_total_space, disk_free_space, chown, diskfreespace, getrusage, get_current_user, set_time_limit, dl, leak, listen, chgrp, link, symlink, dlopen, proc_nice, proc_get_stats, proc_terminate, shell_exec, sh2_exec, posix_getpwuid, posix_getgrgid, posix_kill, ini_restore, mkfifo, dbmopen, dbase_open, filepro, filepro_rowcount, posix_mkfifo, _xyec, mainwork, get_num_redirects, putenv, geoip_open, sleep, imap_open Extension PHP chargées :: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, apache2handler, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, session, soap, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib
is there any php function disabled that is missing ?
I was thinking about the .htaccess, could this be linked ?
other plugins are able to create subdir, import files, etc…
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