Hey @cannondale63, please accept my sincere apologies for missing your last reply,
Thanks for the update, I will break down the mentioned questions:
Q1) Here the six short texts are built after the cover image with the feature block of Coblocks. But I cannot select this feature block. When I hover the mouse over the block icon, the whole block selection disappears.
A1) Using the screenshot provided I was able to replicate the issue on my end. If a block is selected from the sidebar, for some reason it does collapse. I will report this as an issue to our developers. In the meantime, there are 2 workarounds you can try:
1) You can use the “+” icon below the content and the selection will not disappear: https://i.imgur.com/d5avX6n.png
2) If the Gutenberg plugin is active, the features block does not collapse. Of course, this should not be mandatory, it is just another workaround listed for the time being.
You can track the progress of the issue on the link below:
Q2) I can’t see the “Resizable Row/Columns Blocks” block in my Coblocks list either…
A2) What happens when you type “Row” in the block search? I can also see that this block is the list: https://i.imgur.com/C3Bqann.png https://i.imgur.com/fK8Xfve.png
Q3) What do you mean with “Install and activate the Gutenberg WordPress plugin” on the instructions for installation? There is no “Gutenberg plugin” at all, my site works with Gutenberg, right?
A3) Gutenberg page editor is already built-in every WordPress installation from 5.0 above. However, the Gutenberg plugin is maintained separately and extends the block editor. While we do recommend using the Gutenberg plugin, this is not mandatory as long as you are using the WordPress version above 5.0
Q4) For this home page (only a test) I used the posts block. But in the frontend the distances between image and text are different. What is the reason for this?
A4) This means that your theme has some additional styles for displaying post content, The results you get on the frontend may differ from theme to theme.
I hope this helps, let me know if you need any further clarifications.
Have a nice day,