• dozingdog


    I have uninstalled the plugin, I have replaced all files in uploads directory with original (no watermark files) and I have regenerated all thumbnails. The watermark persists.

    What do I need to do to remove this? Is there a database entry/value that I can change?


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  • homeschoolhannahg


    I, unfortunately, am having the same issue. Is there a fix? I attempted to remove the text and only have an image. I have “removed” the watermark, both text and image, but it never left. I even tried deleting the image and the watermarks but still nothing.

    I’m having the same issue ??

    If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    Hi guys,

    I got rid of it optimizing and repairing the tables of my database.

    Sorry not resolved, I don’t know how and why after unstallling and cleaning databases an image batch was uploaded without watermark, though all the subsequent got the mark again. Besides opacity doesn’t work either…



    Unable to remove watermark from ENTIRE media library using built-in plugin options. Deleting and re-uploading images still have watermark. Same issues as many have posted immediately before me. Please help remove watermark promptly. It seems this issue is across the board for recent users. Please help fix it as soon as possible. Thank you to the ends of the earth!


    I have this same issue. I can click on the image in the Media Library, then click on “Edit more details” (clicking on “Edit Image” doesn’t do it) where there is an “Easy Watermark” section, and I can select “mark as not watermarked”, then click “Update”. However, the watermark remains on the image not only in the “Edit more details” window, but whenever I add the image to a page. So the remove watermark feature does not work.

    UPDATE: I found I had not enabled the Backup feature (Settings>Easy Watermark, General), which is supposedly needed to restore original image. However, enabling the backup did not result in the watermark being removed from the image.

    The only way I’ve found to avoid a watermark on an image is”

    go to Settings>Easy Watermark
    disable Auto Watermark feature and save
    upload image not to be watermarked
    go back to Settings>Easy Watermark
    enable Auto Watermark feature and save

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