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<h2>Technical Know-how.</h2>
<p class=””>The Snapper development team have specialist skills in Javacard Open Platform, DESfire, NFC, AFC systems and mobile applications. They also work to ISO 14443 for contactless smartcards.</p>
<p class=””>Snapper also uses the full flexibility of AWS Cloud computing to offer customers fast and easy access to a fully resilient and scalable solution, hosted in a region local to your needs. If you prefer to host infrastructure in your own datacentre we can support that too.</p>
<p class=””>Current Standards we have integrated with</p>
<li>NZ Bus, Wellington, NZ – Korean Smart Card Company</li>
<li>Wellington NZ KSCC – NZ Bus, Cable Car</li>
<li>Cable Car, Wellington, NZ – Vix Cobra CR6000</li>
<li>Auckland Transport, NZ – NITIS version 0.9/Thales</li>
<li>National Transport Authority of Ireland – Leap Card -in progress</li>
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