• Resolved Martin Kilarski


    Hi there,

    I use Cloudways hosting, I have installed the plugin and pngout, but I cannot install the other files.

    jpegtran: Missing
    optipng: Missing
    gifsicle: Missing
    pngout: Installed?version: Mar 19 2015
    pngquant: Missing
    webp: Missing

    I have reset the user permissions, files I downloaded, I can see them in EWWW folder, but there is no install button for other packages in EWWW settings.

    How could I install them? I already asked the hosting provider support to check is this something on their end, but after few tests, they send me to you. I will appreciate your help.

    Best Regards,


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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Please turn on debugging and post the EWWW debug information on the settings page via pastebin.com

    Hi kmarcink, have you had any luck with this? I can’t use EWWW with Cloudways either.



    Thread Starter Martin Kilarski


    Hi nosilver and Mark,

    No, I haven’t solved the issue. Sorry nosilver for a late reply, but I didn’t get the notification that you wrote a comment.

    Here is the debug information.


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Are you guys using their Managed WP hosting?

    Hi all, I might have got somewhere with this last night after I posted here.

    After spinning up a new site on cloudways and chatting with there support he was able to fix by clicking on the ‘reset permissions’ button in the cloudways interface and then setting the permissions on the /WP content/ewww folder to 777.

    While trying g to repeat this process for myself, he closed the chat and it didn’t work for me. It was early hours of the morning at this point and he must have been on a 15min break, but couldn’t wait around for him. Will try again, but might be something for you to try.

    Not sure about setting the permissions to 777 though, isn’t that a bit risky?



    Yes nosilver 4u, cloudways layer a managed service on top of digital ocean, Vultr, aws and Google cloud servers, but they say that they don’t block plugins etc in the same way wpengine might.



    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    777 should not be necessary unless the webserver process is not running as the same user that owns the web folder (which is possible, but not very common). But if that is how he made it work, it’s worth pursuing. I’m on the chat with one of their reps right now.

    Thanks nosilver4u, much appreciated! If you need me to fire up a clean WP image for you to see, let me know.



    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    the chat guy was pretty helpful, he’s forwarding the issue to a senior tech, so I’ll see what we can find out for you

    Thread Starter Martin Kilarski


    Thanks nosilver4u.

    After I installed EWWW, for some reason I didn’t have the permission to ewww folder to 777. I restarted the permission on the server for this WordPress installation, then I successfully changed set them to 777.

    Unfortunately, I still couldn’t install jpegtran and others.

    I hope you will find this helpful.

    Hi kmarcink, that was my experience exactly. Changing the permission from 775 gave an access denied. After resetting permissions I could change tom 777, but compression tools still wouldn’t work.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    @markjohnl, I noticed in your debug information that you have “lossy JPG” enabled, but you need an API key for lossy JPG. The bundled local tools cannot do lossy compression, just lossless.

    I just sent their dev the information that we know so far, and my rundown of the debug information, so we’ll see what he says.

    Not sure if this makes a difference but I don’t have any problems with this plugin on my DO server through Cloudways but as soon as I spun up a Vultr server, I had these same problems. I tried duplicating an app with Ewww functioning correctly from DO to Vultr as well as doing a fresh install of WordPress and Ewww but it didn’t work either time. Just wanted to let you know for trouble shooting purposes.

    Thread Starter Martin Kilarski


    Thanks eapart for your input.

    I have DigitalOcean server through Cloudways, but EWWW doesn’t work.

    nosilver4u, I have disabled Lossy optimisation, but it still didn’t work. Here is the new debug file.


    Hey thanks eapart, I have websites on both DO and Vultr directly (I.e. not through cloudways) and they run the ewww plugin fine.

    If you’ve had your DO server for a while it could be built with an older Cloudways stack or settings?

    Im only trialling cloudways at this point so my trial VM is with DO, so I can’t spin up a Vultr VM. I’d say the setups are similar.

    To rule out this being an issue with my website, I created a fresh WP site via cloudways, deactivated the default plugins and installed ewww and had the problem right away.

    Cloudways tech support was able to fix the issue, but I couldn’t replicate their fix.

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