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  • KTS915


    It would help if you were a bit clearer. Do you mean you can’t login, or that you can’t get to the site’s back-end while logged in?

    Thread Starter mar tim


    I can’t get to the site’s back-end while logged in? I will now be treated as a customer who has purchased a product . He said that I have insufficient access , I see now , so the content of my course .



    Well, what it sounds like you’ve done is purchase an s2member user role. And that role doesn’t have admin access.

    You should never do test purchases while logged in.

    You can try doing this. Using your FTP client, download your s2member folder to your desktop and then delete it from your server. You might then be able to log back in to your site as normal. If so, create a new user for yourself, and make that an administrator. Then restore the s2member folder.

    If the above method doesn’t work, you will need to reset your user role in your database. You presumably have access to something like phpMyAdmin. So then you will need to Google how to reset your user role using that.

    Thread Starter mar tim


    The upper allowable I tried by renaming the folder below s2member I could log in but also as a ” client” I could only edit my profile … I did it that way because I do not know how I should have my PC the folder. I ‘m going to try the second option.

    Thread Starter mar tim


    you may also know how user role put back in my database? I come from a lot but not exactly the google how to restore. a user I’ve tried everything. but it does not .
    I also created a new user in php my admin , according to a guide here on the site . but it does not all .

    did you find a roadmap ?

    Thread Starter mar tim


    I also followed this guide : http: //

    But does not work, I can only come to the course and not in the dashboard.



    Try this.

    Thread Starter mar tim


    I have php myadmin wp_usermeta in the following changes : wp_user_level I put on it was 10 to 0
    And I have the following code wp_capabilities put : a: 1: {s : 13: ” administrator” ; s: 1: “1” ;}
    Here was another code.

    Now I wonder if this is correct : wp_s2member_paid_registration_times a:
    1: {s : 6: ” level1 “, i: 1386084534 ;}

    Does anyone know if this is true or another code should be ? Introduced here

    Thread Starter mar tim


    sorry wp_user_level is now 10 it was 0



    10 is the code for an administrator.

    Thread Starter mar tim


    everything is working again, thanks for your help !

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