• Resolved Okoth1


    Activated Twitter the “Default” way. After pressing the Auth button I got this error:

    Error posting on twitter. Error: {"title":"Too Many Requests","detail":"Too Many Requests","type":"about:blank","status":429}

    Then, I followed these steps:


    got this error

    Value not set : rop_twitter_request_token in Array ( [allcaps] => Array ( [activate_plugins] => 1 [admin_simple_tags] => 1 [create_posts] => 1 [create_roles] => 1 [create_users] => 1 [delete_others_pages] => 1 [delete_others_posts] => 1 [delete_pages] => 1 [delete_plugins] => 1 [delete_posts] => 1 [delete_private_pages] => 1 [delete_private_posts] => 1 [delete_published_pages] => 1 [delete_published_posts] => 1 [delete_roles] => 1 [delete_themes] => 1 [delete_users] => 1 [edit_dashboard] => 1 [edit_files] => 1 [edit_others_pages] => 1 [edit_others_posts] => 1 [edit_pages] => 1 [edit_plugins] => 1 [edit_posts] => 1 [edit_private_pages] => 1 [edit_private_posts] => 1 [edit_published_pages] => 1 [edit_published_posts] => 1 [edit_roles] => 1 [edit_theme_options] => 1 [edit_themes] => 1 [edit_users] => 1 [export] => 1 [import] => 1 [install_plugins] => 1 [install_themes] => 1 [level_0] => 1 [level_1] => 1 [level_10] => 1 [level_2] => 1 [level_3] => 1 [level_4] => 1 [level_5] => 1 [level_6] => 1 [level_7] => 1 [level_8] => 1 [level_9] => 1 [list_roles] => 1 [list_users] => 1 [loco_admin] => 1 [manage_categories] => 1 [manage_database] => 1 [manage_links] => 1 [manage_options] => 1 [microblogposter_who_can_auto_publish] => 1 [moderate_comments] => 1 [oQeyGalleries] => 1 [oQeyMusic] => 1 [oQeyRoles] => 1 [oQeySettings] => 1 [oQeySkins] => 1 [oQeyTrash] => 1 [oQeyVideo] => 1 [promote_users] => 1 [publish_pages] => 1 [publish_posts] => 1 [read] => 1 [read_private_pages] => 1 [read_private_posts] => 1 [remove_users] => 1 [restrict_content] => 1 [simple_tags] => 1 [switch_themes] => 1 [translator] => 1 [unfiltered_html] => 1 [unfiltered_upload] => 1 [update_core] => 1 [update_plugins] => 1 [update_themes] => 1 [upload_files] => 1 [ure_create_capabilities] => 1 [ure_create_roles] => 1 [ure_delete_capabilities] => 1 [ure_delete_roles] => 1 [ure_edit_roles] => 1 [ure_manage_options] => 1 [ure_reset_roles] => 1 [wpt_can_tweet] => 1 [wpt_tweet_now] => 1 [wpt_twitter_custom] => 1 [wpt_twitter_oauth] => 1 [wpt_twitter_switch] => 1 [wysija_config] => 1 [wysija_newsletters] => 1 [wysija_stats_dashboard] => 1 [wysija_style_tab] => 1 [wysija_subscribers] => 1 [wysija_theme_tab] => 1 [wpcf7_edit_contact_forms] => 1 [see_snap_box] => 1 [make_snap_posts] => 1 [haveown_snap_accss] => 1 [edit_wpwautoposterlogss] => 1 [edit_others_wpwautoposterlogss] => 1 [publish_wpwautoposterlogss] => 1 [read_private_wpwautoposterlogss] => 1 [delete_wpwautoposterlogss] => 1 [install_languages] => 1 [resume_plugins] => 1 [resume_themes] => 1 [copy_posts] => 1 [wpcode_edit_snippets] => 1 [wpcode_activate_snippets] => 1 [smartslider] => 1 [smartslider_config] => 1 [smartslider_edit] => 1 [smartslider_delete] => 1 [wpseo_manage_options] => 1 [administrator] => 1 ) [nfw_goodguy] => 1 )

    After, starting all over again, Dectivating the plugin, Purging the caches no errors on the Dashboard page.

    When I wanted to start sharing, nothing happened, not even a message in the logs.

    Then I wanted to test it by using the Share immediately button in the post, then I got this error

    Error posting on twitter. Error: {"client_id":"27991755","detail":"When authenticating requests to the Twitter API v2 endpoints, you must use keys and tokens from a Twitter developer App that is attached to a Project. You can create a project via the developer portal.","registration_url":"https:\/\/developer.twitter.com\/en\/docs\/projects\/overview","title":"Client Forbidden","required_enrollment":"Appropriate Level of API Access","reason":"client-not-enrolled","type":"https:\/\/api.twitter.com\/2\/problems\/client-forbidden"}

    I deleted all apps in Twitter and created a new one before starting to install this plugin. 100% sure the keys I copied are correct. User authentication set up at Twitter has a green tick.

    I created the app only. There is no Project. Are they asking to create a project?

    Facebook sharing no problems.

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  • Thread Starter Okoth1


    So, I created a Project at Twitter and started from scratch again.

    After I pressed the Button Click to Start to sharing button on the Dashboard, I got the message: Status: Sharing Not Started

    And the Button Click to Start to sharing button is green again.

    Pressed the button again and wait for the countdown. Got the same message again: Status: Sharing Not Started

    This is by far the buggiest plugin I have ever tried.

    Thread Starter Okoth1


    After trying 3x, I now have the message: Status: Sharing to Accounts

    In the past, posts to Facebook and Twitter were shared at that moment. Not now. Not even in the log.

    Thread Starter Okoth1


    Never mind. I moved to Social Auto Poster.

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