• Hello! Found your plugin through searching for “WordPress legislation plugin.” I was hopeful that someone, somewhere, had built a plugin that pulled bill information, so I didn’t have to do it manually (as I did last year).

    I have installed the plugin, gotten the API key from Open States, and added the two Google maps keys. (Although, the termininology for which key went where didn’t seem to match the “HTTP Referrers” and “API Key” terminology I got from Google, so I tried them one way, then reversed them.)

    The “Senate” hyperlink shows the members of the Senate — so far so good. But, the address search doesn’t seem to work.

    My biggest question, though, is bill tracking. Does this plugin do that? Do I have to add the bills myself, or does it pull them manually?

    I realize you are very busy, so I understand if you don’t have time to work on this. I will note, though, that I would be glad to pay a licensing fee for this, simply to keep me from having to do the work myself.

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  • Plugin Author Dan Roberts


    You need to add the bills and votes “manually” by looking them up in Admin and adding them as being “tracked” (Legisearch -> Add Bills). As long as you input the state, session, and bill number, it will pull the bill. Once the bill is being trakced, you can select it from the list (Legisearch -> All Bills) and select which votes to Show when people look up the bill. This plugin was designed for a very specific use-case.

    For the geo-lookup, my test site is working. Can you tell me which state you are having trouble with? Often, problems are due to the Open States servers having issues with a particular state.

    Thread Starter BruceInLouisville



    Last question: Does the plugin only pull votes? Or does it pull the entire progress of the bill? I’ve got two active bills entered, that I know have passed out of committee, but the plugin doesn’t show that.

    Oops, one more: What shortcode do I use to display the bill data?

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Dan Roberts


    Sorry for the delay. My email client must’ve caught this up in spam. The plugin only pulls votes.

    It is also not designed to track bills as much as track legislators. So [legisearch_addresslookup] is really the main shortcode. That allows the user to enter their address and get the incumbent state legislators.

    There is also [legisearch_chamberlink state=”{state}” chamber=”{upper|lower}”] to show all legislators.

    There are a lot of cool ways to expand the plugin. If I ever get a break in my day job I may be able to do more than maintenance.

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