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  • Thread Starter chickster25


    ive been testing again and can see some account details are now being brought over to our websites, but ommitting the email address.

    As every new user on our site gets a password emailed to them, any user using their fb login cannot login to our website. Is there any way to get around this as the fb user/password combination is not working?


    chickster25, I had the same problem so I went and replaced “/wordpress-social-login/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Facebook.php” with the version from the HybridAuth package and it worked perfectly…..

    Line for line the Facebook.php’s from both packages are identical except for line 18 where the plugin requests less permissions.

    Plugin’s facebook.php scope includes
    public $scope = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website";

    While the Facebook.php from the hybrid auth 2.1.0zip package includes
    public $scope = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website, read_stream, offline_access, publish_stream, read_friendlists";

    Both of them include email in the scope. Are you sure replacing those files is what solved your problem?

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