• My site uses w3tc and cloudflare cdn. All w3tc modules are enabled apart from js minify and cdn (because I’m using the external service cloudflare). When I disable css combine site loads fine with no css-related error seen in firebug. When I enable css combine (and include all CSS files) I get the following 404:

    https://www.site.com/:6 GET https://www.site.com/wp-gdb-content/cache/minify/000000/52079/page.include.2d2e6a.css?bd7eb6

    Surprisingly the site loads ok with no broken CSS but the 404 is something I’d like to avoid as it costs me 2-3s

    The above css file does not exist in the server so the 404 makes sense. I’m trying to understand though how or where this GET with the particular file is created so I can take steps to correct it.

    Also note that although debugging indicates that all 20+ CSS files were combined running the site through gtmetrix suggests I reduce the number of CSS files being accessed per load.

    Obviously my priorities are to combine (minification is not that important) all CSS files and have a site with no 404s.


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