Where are you using this shortcode exactly
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to answer. Do you want the url, or a better explanation of what I initially wrote?
Since I am currently hard-coding the value to my own ID, I did not include a url to begin with. It is https://www.hrsms.org/Content/your-library-detailed-listing/.
This explains my case more fully:
- Pod “user” extends the WordPress users.
- Pod “reference_titles” refers to reference materials for the subject of our site (ship models)
- Pod “reference_editions” refers to specific editions of “reference_titles”. There is a relationship field to “reference_titles”. The relationship is two-ways – “reference_titles” links back to the editions. You can see it on this page that lists all the titles and the known editions for each. Look at “Built-Up Ship Models” to see the only current example with more than one edition. It is a work in progress, so only a handful of items are entered so far, and I do not have a front end for this yet.
- Pod “reference_collection” is for “reference_editions” owned by one individual. “reference_editions” is for all items owned by all users. “reference_collection” has 2 relation fields, one to “reference_editions” and one to a “user”
I want to have a page that displays the collection for the currently logged in user.
I tried the following, but it did not work.
[pods name=”reference_collection” where=”member.ID={@user.id}” pagination=”true” template=”Individual Collection Template”]
If I replace {@user.id} with 2, as shown below, then I successfully get my own listing. This is what is currently on the previous link.
[pods name=”reference_collection” where=”member.ID=2″ pagination=”true” template=”Individual Collection Template”]
If you need more information, please let me know. I know your time for free support is limited and I appreciate your help very much.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by