• I am trying to disconnect a site from my MultiSite wordpress network from Facebook, but whenever I press the X it always tells me that I have successfully connected to facebook, but it doesn’t disconnect.

    The same applies to the twitter account, I cannot disconnect it.

    I have tried deleting the app from Facebook Apps, I have tried connecting and disconnecting the site on a network level, I have disabled/enabled the Publicize module under Settings > Sharing, but all to not avail. Even trying to add a new facebook connection does not work, it takes me to an empty page and just stops working. Furthermore, I have tried disconnecting the site from within wordpress.com, but that still leaves me with the same problem once I reconnect.

    So I am kinda stuck here and don’t know what to do.

    One thing that might be worth mentioning is that I created the site using a site template (https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/new-blog-template/); the site template had an old connection which no longer works. I also tried deleting the new site, disabling the jetpack connection on the template blog altogether and create a new copy, same results.

    The blog is hosted at: oogopnederland.nl/oogopdelfshaven or oogopdelfshaven.nl

    As far as I’ve read similar threads, there’s no way for me to delete this facebook connection on my server, correct? This is stored on the Jetpack/WP server(s)? Maybe you should create a way for people to delete all config options for a site from within the WP.com environment as this seems to be pretty persistent across time.

    Hope someone cen help!

    – Rinck


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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I’ve deleted both Publicize connections from your site for you. You should normally be able to delete them right from your blog, but for some reason it doesn’t work for you.

    Do you use any caching plugins on your site? If so, could you tell me which one?


    Thread Starter Netson


    Hey, thanks for looking into this!

    No caching plugins in use or installed at the moment.

    I just checked the publicize settings, and jetpack still tells me that facebook and twitter are connected and that the publicize ID is wrong:

    Jetpack: [failed_publicize_action] Invalid Publicize ID

    Is this information stored in my local db? If so, where could I find it and can I just delete the info or replace it with a blank ID/NULL? I did a global search through the database, but couldn’t spot anything that looks like it is what I need.

    Clicking the disconnect X still tells me that facebook/twitter has been successfully connected, so nothing’s changed there.


    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Could you go the Jetpack menu in your dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on “Disconnect from WordPress.com”? Once you’ve done so you’ll be able to reconnect to WordPress.com by clicking on the connect button at the top of the page.

    Let me know if that helps.

    Thread Starter Netson


    Unfortunately, disconnecting and reconnecting did not change anything, connections are still there and broken and cannot be removed.

    Again, can I change this in my db directly somehow? If so, please point me in the right direction. I will try this on a test setup first and make a copy of my db beforehand, obviously.

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    That data is stored in wp_options, in the jetpack_options row, but before to delete it manually I’d like to understand what’s blocking it form being removed on your site, if you’re okay with investigating further with me of course!

    What other plugins do you currently use on that site?

    Thread Starter Netson


    I am more than willing to get to the bottom of this and debug this with you, but I am in a bit of a timecrunch. This is a live multisite and I regularly activate new blogs; usually these have to be up and running within a few days at most.

    At the bottom of this post is the content of the jetpack_options row from the wp_options table. I have replaced most of the ID’s with 0000’s because I am not sure how sensitive these are to misuse. If you need the actual ID’s I can send them to you via email?

    General info:

    WordPress version: 4.0
    Jetpack Version: 3.1.1
    Ubuntu Server: 12.04.5 (64)
    Apache: 2.2.22
    MySQL: 5.5.40

    Also, here’s a list of installed and activated plugins; a few have notes in bold which may be relevant:

    • Admin Message – Display a message in admin dashboard – Version: | By S H Mohanjith (Incsub), Andrew Billits (Incsub)
    • Akismet – Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world … Version: 3.0.2 | By Automattic
    • Contact Form 7 – Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible. – Version: 4.0.1 | By Takayuki Miyoshi
    • Domain Mapping – The ultimate Multisite domain mapping plugin – sync cookies, sell domains with eNom, and integrate with Pro Sites. – Version: | By WPMU DEV
    • Force Strong Passwords – Forces users to use something strong when updating their passwords. – Version: 1.3.4 | By Steve Taylor
    • Google Analytics – Enables Google Analytics for your site with statistics inside WordPress admin panel. Single and multi site compatible! – Version: 3.1.2 | By WPMU DEV
    • Image Watermark – Image Watermark allows you to automatically watermark images uploaded to the WordPress Media Library and bulk watermark previously uploaded images. – Version: 1.3.3 | By dFactory
    • Jetpack By WordPress.com – no need to leave the Dutch explanation here ?? – Version: 3.1.1 | By Automattic
    • Limit Login Attempts – Version: 1.7.1 | By Johan Eenfeldt
    • New Blog Templates – Allows the site admin to create new blogs based on templates, to speed up the blog creation process – Version: 2.7.1 | By WPMU DEV I used this plugin to create the site/blog which is having problems. The template in question has bad credentials for facebook/twitter which do not work at all and this template site also does not show up in WordPress.com
    • OOG Advertenties – Custom pluging (shows ads)
    • OOG Bericht – Custom plugin (message rating)
    • OOG Beste Berichten – Custom plugin (shows most popular messages)
    • Scoopshot Promo Widget – Custom plugin (adds widget)
    • Simple Sitemaps For Multisite – The ultimate search engine plugin – Simply have sitemaps created, submitted and updated for every blog on your site – Version: 1.1 | By Viper007Bond (Incsub)
    • Ultimate Facebook – Easy Facebook integration: share your blog posts, autopost to your wall, login and registration integration, BuddyPress profiles support and more. Please, configure the plugin first. – Version: 2.7.6 | By WPMU DEV – This plugin replaces the Jetpack facebook autoposting feature; but the template I used to create this site, still had the facebook publicize settings stored.
    • User Switching – Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress – Version: 1.0.1 | By John Blackbourn
    • WP-Mail-SMTP – Reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings. – Version: 0.9.5 | By Callum Macdonald
    • WPMU DEV Dashboard – Brings the power of WPMU DEV direct to you, it’ll revolutionize how you use WordPress, activate now! – Version: 3.4.7 | By WPMU DEV
    [publicize_connections] => Array
                [twitter] => Array
                        [0000000] => Array
                                [user_id] => 33
                                [provider] => twitter:000000
                                [issued] => 2014-06-16 07:27:32
                                [expires] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                                [external_id] => 00000000
                                [external_name] => MyName
                                [external_display] => MyName
                                [type] => access
                                [connection_data] => Array
                                        [id] => 0000000
                                        [token_id] => 0000000
                                        [blog_id] => 70471816
                                        [user_id] => 0
                                        [meta] => Array
                                                [external_user_id] => 33
                [facebook] => Array
                        [0000000] => Array
                                [user_id] => 33
                                [provider] => facebook:000000000000
                                [issued] => 2014-06-18 05:44:48
                                [expires] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
                                [external_id] => 00000000000000
                                [external_name] => MyName
                                [external_display] => MyName
                                [type] => access
                                [connection_data] => Array
                                        [id] => 0000000
                                        [token_id] => 0000000
                                        [blog_id] => 70471816
                                        [user_id] => 0
                                        [meta] => Array
                                                [external_user_id] => 33
                                                [facebook_page] => 00000000000000000
                                                [follower_count] => 59
                                                [link] => https://myurl.ext
                                                [display_name] => MyName
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks for the extra details.

    None of these plugins should create any issues, so I’m not sure what’s stopping your database from being updated on your site. However, one of these plugins may load some extra javascript on that page that stops the delete action, but to test that you’d have to deactivate each one of the plugins, one at a time, and then switch to one of the default themes for a few minutes if deactivating plugins doesn’t help.

    Let me know how it goes.

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