First try this harmless operation:
– Update wppa to the current release version
– Install and activate plugin
You will find it under the wp Tools menu; open it and scrool to:
wppa_mskelcwppa_albums_lastkey (if you changed the db prefix), default it should be:
– Delete the option, and try again to add an album.
If that does not help, try the following more tricky operation:
If you can ftp to your installation and if you can manipulate your database by e.g. phpMyAdmin, do the following in the indicated sequence order (I tested it and it works flawless on my dev site):
– If you can, make a backup of your database; especially of the albums table.
– execute the db command DROP TABLE mskelcwppa_albums
(assuming the correct table name; the default name is wp_wppa_albums, but (if you changed db prefix) you MUST use the actual name). This will remove the albums table.
– de-activate the plugin
– activate the plugin. This creates a new empty albums table.
– ftp mskelcwppa_albums.csv (the file you sent me) to your depot directory (…/wp-content/wppa-depot/<your login name>/; again make sure the name is identical to the db table name with the .csv extension)
– Open menu item Photo Albums -> Import Photos, and make sure Select Local or Remote
is set to Local
, and Import photos from
is set to --- My Depot ---
You will see: ‘There is 1 .csv file in the depot’
– click the import
button. This will refill the db table with your data.
If this also does not help, you MUST get the server errorlog to see what the problem is.