• Hi all

    I have successfully upgraded by site to WordPress 3.0 and configured it for Network, and followed the steps in the following document:


    I have navigated to ‘Super Admin -> ‘Sites’ and used ‘Add New’ to create a new site. This appears to work, and is added to the list of sites. But if I click on Edit, Backend or Visit, I get a 404 error message (page not found).

    Is this likely to be due to a permissions issue with the wp-content/blog.dir ?

    Because I am hosting this site on my ISP’s web space I guess I will need to get them to do the CHOWN and CHMOD step to assign the permissions to blog.dir?

    Many thanks


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  • Is this likely to be due to a permissions issue with the wp-content/blog.dir ?

    You don’t say why you think it might, but it’s very unlikely; that directory is only used for the blogs’ upload directories.
    The directory should be named blogs.dir, though, so check that first.
    Edit, Backend and Visit all require the URL to be successfully rewritten according to the rules in your .htaccess file. It’s probably worth checking that’s correctly configured – and that it can be read.

    Is this likely to be due to a permissions issue with the wp-content/blog.dir ?

    No. That folder is only for uploads to any of the blogs. The blogs themselves do not live there, they are virtual.

    I have navigated to ‘Super Admin -> ‘Sites’ and used ‘Add New’ to create a new site. This appears to work, and is added to the list of sites. But if I click on Edit, Backend or Visit, I get a 404 error message (page not found).

    Did you pick subdomains or subfolders? subdomains work on wildcards which need to be setup server-side.

    See finished doc:


    Thread Starter mikedorey



    I am using subfolders.

    The reason I thought it might be a permissions thing is because there is a step in the document than talks about setting permissions. I also thought that perhaps files get written to this folder when a new site is initially set up (but that obviously isn’t the case?) I definately created it up as blogs.dir though – just spelt it wrongly in this post.

    Many thanks

    Read the sticky post in this forum. ??


    The subfolder blogs are built using htaccess. You would have been instructed to copy in new htaccess rules to that file. This is what makes the subfolder blogs work.

    Thread Starter mikedorey


    I have set up an .htaccess file which is in the root of the blog. I had to create this myself as the instructions state, and it contains this:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]

    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]

    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ – [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    Thread Starter mikedorey


    I’ve just noticed that on the SuperAdmin -> Sites page, the ‘Edit’ option works and shows the details of the new blog, but ‘Back End’ and ‘Visit’ throw 404 errors.

    The URL for the new blog will be https://www.[sitename].com/blog/%5BmyNewBlog%5D but does [myNewBlog] need to exist as a folder? Or should it get created within blogs.dir? There is nothing in blogs.dir currently. This is why I am wondering if it is a permissions issue:-

    1. Create a blogs.dir directory under /wp-content/
    This directory is used to stored uploaded media for your additional sites and must be writable by the web server. They should be CHOWNed and CHMODed the same as your wp-content directory.

    Thread Starter mikedorey


    Any ideas? Many Thanks

    The URL for the new blog will be https://www.sitename.com/blog/myNewBlog but does [myNewBlog] need to exist as a folder? Or should it get created within blogs.dir?

    No, as stated previously, the blogs.dir folders are only for media file uploads the blogs do not lve there.

    The reason they are not showing up is not a permissions issue for the folder.

    your htaccess file is not being read by the server. Tell your webhost support team you made some htaccess changes but they are not working.

    Also, the .htaccess file needs to go in the main folder of the install. So if WordPress is in the /blog/ folder, put the htacess file in there.

    I’m having this same problem, running WordPress in a Windows Server environment. From talking to my tech staff is it true that this will not work in a Windows environment? Is there some kind of work around for it, other than creating a LAMP environment…..??

    From talking to my tech staff is it true that this will not work in a Windows environment?

    No, that is not true.

    It *can* run on a Windows server, it’s just not ideal. You’ll need some web.config rewrite rules, which I don’t have, as I’m not a windows gal.

    I am having the same problem.
    Not on a windows server.
    Multisite apparently intalled correctly.
    Can add new sub directory sites.
    Going to the front page of new site gets an unformatted front page https://oneearth.permahost.com/2012/
    Trying to go to admin gets a page not found error.

    Possibly related issue:
    My hosting space has no domain name configured for the main public_html folder and therefore I installed in the folder usin the address above.
    I tried also installing in a folder such as https://oneearth.permahost.com/bookoffire.net using the domain name bookoffire.net and had the same exact problem.
    I am not clear from the installation instructions – do you have to install in the public_html folder of the hosting account or just the top level folder of the domain?

    yes the htaccess files seem fine and the wpconfig too
    and the blogs.dir.

    Please help.

    Hello All,

    I think this is the right place to mention this and ask as well.

    I installed wordpress 3 and enabled multi user. On the admin end
    all looks ok as weel as the main site, but when I create a new subdirectory blog, the paths are wrong or at least it seems so.

    What happens is that the home page links resolve correctly, but the new site links point to invalid locations.

    Main Site
    where this style exists

    New Site
    this does not exist.

    This causes the new site to not include the styling.

    Did I do this wrong or is it a bug?


    PS I also noticed that even though I activated one particular them for the newsite, it was style using the original default theme.

    Greetings Andrea,

    I have few doubts. I will share with you. I have created “blogs.dir” folder also I gave the permission of that folder. But while I make the new sub-diresctory sites. But not creating any folders for this(blogs.dir) folder…Sub-folder sites are working fine for me.

    What is purpose of blogs.dir folder…Can you guide me…

    @plager – I think it is supposed to be that way. The htaccess file handles redirecting from the non existant folder. Someone please correct me if Im wrong.
    @kumaranmcanew – please read above… the blogs.dir directory is for uploaded files from blog useage.

    Anyone care to speculate why my new blogs dont work… (see 3 post up^ )

    Just as an fyi, I got it to work in a Windows environment, using info from this post: https://www.lauragentry.com/wordpress/?p=517. Basically I was missing the url rewrite module as outlined in Step 4 there. Multisite runs like a charm on my Windows server now!!

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