• I have several websites using the Kadence theme. All are fully up to date. In one website (only) the base font “size” and “style” fields do not have any effect regardless of what is typed into the fields.

    In other words, these settings remain stuck where they were when the site was first created about three years ago. The only function that works in the base font dialog is changing the font itself (e.g. from System to Verdana), which however does not solve the above problem.

    The settings are exactly the same as in my other websites.

    Strangely, it is possible to change the font sizes and styles for all header fonts as well as the site title and tagline. But not the base font.

    Can anyone please advise what might be causing this and how to repair it?

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  • You can try doing it in theme.json here a tutorial on how to do it

    Thread Starter wpsolutions1


    Thank you for your reply. I am not sure how that would work. The problem occurs with any base font family I specify.

    I should mention that the base font size does change in the dialog preview window, but not within the actual website pages.

    If this is an issue relating to corruption of the theme, would it be simpler to backup my site and then reinstall it? I am not a gifted coder.

    Because my WP version is up-to-date, am I correct in assuming there would be no point reinstalling that as well?

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