Regarding the ‘Calendar’ / ‘Calendar-2’ display, If you go to Dashboard->Events->Settings, and go into the Viewing Settings tab, it should allow you to choose the calendar page from your list of pages.
If I go to /calendar/ on your site I see a calendar, but various parts are broken. If I replace the CSS on that page with the CSS from my own site (I’m using the WebDeveloper plugin with my browser to do this), I get a working calendar, so resolving the CSS issue should fix things.
If your CSS does not regenerate, you try the following to nudge it into regenerating it:
1. Go to Dashboard->Events->Calendar Themes and change your calendar theme to something different. Immediately change it back to your normal calendar theme selection.
2. Go to Dashboard->Events->Theme Options and without changing anything hit “Save Options”. If you get an error with this the first time, you may need to use the “Reset to Defaults” button which will reset all your colour pickers, so you might want to screen-shot/write them down first.
3. If all else fails, you need to delete the Ai1ec internal cache. This is usually located in …../all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/ – Create a directory called ‘old‘ and move all files and directories into the old dir (there may be somnething ending with _css and a directory named twig). Do #1 & #2. You should now have a file ending in _css and a directory named twig. If this all works, you can delete the old dir and it’s contents. If it doesn’t, move the files back so that your site is back the way it was.
a. Sometimes the cache isn’t in …../all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/ and instead ends up elsewhere (so far, it seems to be somewhere under …../wp-content/uploads/ ). are currently looking into that issue, but the same process applies to clear the cache.
b. You seem to be using some custom CSS in your chid theme. If all you’re using the child theme for is that custom CSS, you might try adding it to the Custom CSS plugin that I also saw you’re using. It would remove the need for using a child theme at all.
c. If you’re doing code changes in the child theme, ai1ec has completely changed the way child themes work, so you may need to reengineer all the changes to use ai1ec’s new arrangement (uses the twig template engine from Sensiolabs. Fortunately twig is relatively easy, and if you’re just removing things (like the categories/tags buttons) that’s fairly easy to do.
d. The entire core code has changed, so if you’re accessing any ai1ec functions inside themes, they will most likely not work. You might want to visit the forums and/or website to check on what code you should be using now if that’s the case.