• When I try to add an event, I just get a blank page. I have disabled all plugins (minus The Events Calendar) and enabled the Twenty-fourteen theme with the same results.

    I’ve tried enabling WordPress debug mode as well, but no information is provided. If i register other custom post types, they work fine. Any insight would be helpful.


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  • Brook


    Howdy cwpnolen,

    What a strange thing. Is it possible that the plugin or your WP install is corrupted? Maybe the .zip file dowonload had an internet hiccup in the middle? Have you tried reinstalling?

    It could also be a security setting. Have you done anything to harden your install that might conflicts. For instance, one thing a lot of people do is prevent access wp /wp-admin/. However, for any plugin like ours that uses wp-admin/admin-ajax.php you start to get blank pages and weird errors.

    If neither of the above, what version of PHP and MySQL are you running? Are you running the latest WordPress and the latest TEC? Hopefulyl we can figure this out.


    – Brook

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    It’s been a month since we last heard from you, so in accordance with our forum guidelines I’m marking this thread resolved. Thanks for your support!


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