Cannot add date
When adding a new date with the latest Calendar update, it reverts to today’s date and won’t save event.
I am having the same issue with my installation of the Events Calendar
Same issue here. I have tried reentering the information a couple times and every time I click Update, the date changes to today’s date and all my location details are gone.
Hi folks,
Thank you for posting. Can you please all confirm that you are running The Events Calendar 3.5.1? Also, have you checked for a theme or plugin conflict? We’ll need more information to look into this further.
Please note that if it is a conflict, we may not be able to help. We want our plugin to be compatible with as many themes and other plugins as possible, but this is not always possible. If we do discover a widespread conflict with a popular theme or plugin, we will do our best to resolve it.
I’m running 3.5.1 on WP 3.8.2
I’m using theme Classic Chalkboard. I’ve been using this combination for 6 mos. and have been using your plugin for 2-3 years. Always loved it.
Recently, the date area of The Events Calendar just disappeared. I can’t set a date at all. I’m reluctant to get rid of the calendar completely, since it’s a classroom site for my 10th grade English class. I’ll have to export it and then import the calendar/assignments again somehow…
Any help would be appreciated.
B. Lingenfelter
I’m having the same issue – every time I click Update, the location details disappear, and the date reverts to today’s date. I’m using The Events Calendar 3.5.1 with the Weaver II theme, WordPress 3.6. It’s been fine for the past year. I have disabled/deleted plugins to no avail. It also won’t let me add location details for previously published events.
I have a second site that is on WordPress 3.5.1, also with the Weaver II theme, but with The Events Calendar 3.0, and it works fine.
I have the same problem.
WP 3.6
The events calendar 3.5.1
Page Lines Theme
And some strange I delete plugin from FTP. Instal old version 3.4 and still my system see 3.5.1….
If You can’t help I will be must change plugin for something work after 1 year use this… ??I’ve switched themes several times to confirm, and the problem continues on every theme I switch to.
I will uninstall Events Calendar and Reinstall in a few weeks (end of school year) but I’m afraid to lose all my entries until then.
Howdy guys,
Thank you for detailing this problem. I am glad we were all able to find the same topic. That will likely help us figure this out.
Would each of you mind posting a list of plugins that you are currently using? Perhaps there are one or more plugins common to you all, and the plugin is conflicting with TEC 3.5.1 for some reason.
Would you also mind checking your browser console for errors, both before clicking update and after?
Also the following is really worth testing. Could you temporarily try disabling all of your plugins except TEC, and switching to the Twenty Thirteen theme, then seeing if the issue persists? That will help us to understand the nature of the error much better.
Please share your results and plugin list if you can. Cheers!
– Brook
List of my plugins:Download Manager
Email Address Encoder
EU Cookie Law Compliance
External Database Authentication Reloaded
Facebook Auto Publish
Google Analyticator
Math Captcha
Media File Manager
Meta Slider
Quick Cache
Secure XML-RPC
Share Buttons by AddToAny
The Countdown
TinyMCE Advanced
User Specific Content
Visual Form Builder
Wordfence Security
WP Maintenance Mode
WP Survey And Quiz ToolHi, Was this ever resolved? It is marked resolved, but I do not see a solution.
I am having the same issue. WP 3.6.1 and Events Calendar 3.5.1. Cannot set the date. Always reverts to today’s date.
Since this thread is 5 months old. I would assume it was resolved, but I still have the issue. Is it the older version of WP?Here is a list of plugins I have installed
Plugin Description
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Select All in one Favicon
All in one Favicon
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All in one Favicon management. Easily add a Favicon to your site and the WordPress admin pages. Complete with upload functionality. Supports all three Favicon types (ico,png,gif)Version 4.3 | By Arne Franken | Visit plugin site
Select Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram
Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram
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The Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram is capable of retrieving photos from a particular Instagram user or tag. The photos can be linked to the your Instagram page, a specific URL, or to a Fancybox slideshow. Also, the Shortcode Generator makes it easy to insert the widget into posts without learning any of the code. This lightweight but powerful widget takes advantage of WordPress’s built in JQuery scripts to create a sleek presentation that I hope you will like.Version | By the Alpine Press | Visit plugin site | Donate
There is a new version of Alpine PhotoTile for Instagram available. View version details or update now.
Select EWWW Image Optimizer
EWWW Image Optimizer
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Reduce file sizes for images within WordPress including NextGEN Gallery and GRAND FlAGallery. Uses jpegtran, optipng/pngout, and gifsicle.Version 1.9.3 | By Shane Bishop | Visit plugin site
There is a new version of EWWW Image Optimizer available. View version 2.0.2 details or update now.
Select Google Analytics
Google Analytics
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Enables Google Analytics on all pages.Version 1.0.5 | By Kevin Sylvestre | Visit plugin site
Select Google Maps Widget
Google Maps Widget
Widgets | Deactivate | Edit
Display a single-image super-fast loading Google map in a widget. A larger, full featured map is available on click in a lightbox.Version 1.75 | By Web factory Ltd | Visit plugin site | Documentation | Support | Review the plugin | Donate
There is a new version of Google Maps Widget available. View version 1.85 details or update now.
Select Hotfix
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Provides “hotfixes” for selected WordPress bugs, so you don’t have to wait for the next WordPress core release. Keep the plugin updated!Version 1.0 | By Mark Jaquith
Select Jetpack by
Jetpack by
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Select OpenMenu
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This plugin allows you to easily create posts that are based on your OpenMenu. This plugin fully integrates an OpenMenu or OpenMenus into an existing theme. Widget / Menu ready themes work best.Version 1.6.19 | By OpenMenu, LLC | Visit plugin site
Select Participants Database
Participants Database
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Plugin for managing a database of participants, members or volunteersVersion | By xn*au webdesign | Visit plugin site | Submit a rating or review | Free tech support and continued development relies on your support: contribute
Select Quform
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The Quform form builder makes it easy to build forms in WordPress.Version 1.4.17 | By ThemeCatcher | Visit plugin site
There is a new version of Quform available. View version 1.4.18 details or update now.
Select The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar
Deactivate | Edit | Settings | Calendar
The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.Version 3.5.1 | By Modern Tribe, Inc. | Support | View All Add-Ons
Select VaultPress
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Protect your content, themes, plugins, and settings with realtime backup and automated security scanning from VaultPress. Activate, enter your registration key, and never worry again. Need some help?Version 1.6.5 | By Automattic | Visit plugin site
Select WordPress SEO
WordPress SEO
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The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.Version | By Joost de Valk | Visit plugin site
Select WP Super Cache
WP Super Cache
Settings | Deactivate | Edit
Very fast caching plugin for WordPress.Version 1.4 | By Donncha O Caoimh | Visit plugin site
Also, it still happens with all other plugins de-activated. Do I need to find a new calendar? If I paid for pro would it work? This is very frustrating. I think it worked until the last time I upgraded the plugin.
petalumapie have you tried updating your plugins and WordPress? That ensures you are getting fixes for any bugs discovered in the intervening months, it also essential for security purposes. Both your install and your plugin appear to be month out of date. Good call on testing with the other stuff disabled, but I bet updating will fix things since this issue was resolved for the OP. I hope that helps!
– Brook
I get confliction within my quform plugin is is not edit and update and save. any help?
Howdy Ravikas kamboj,
Please open a separate topic for your issue. And if you can thoroughyl detail the problem and any steps you have tried to fix it. The problem in this thread was related to a very old version of our plugin, and has since been resolved.
– Brook
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