• Whenever i go to my site or the admin page this comes up

    Warning: require_once(/home2/ab51773/public_html/wonderlandwisdompotions.com): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/ab51773/public_html/wonderlandwisdompotions.com/wp-content/themes/virtue/functions.php on line 10

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ” (include_path=’.:/opt/php54/lib/php’) in /home2/ab51773/public_html/wonderlandwisdompotions.com/wp-content/themes/virtue/functions.php on line 10

    If anyone has any tips for what this means or how this can be resolved that would be appreciated. thank you.

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  • The error means that there’s a file that your theme is trying to read, but the file either isn’t where it’s meant to be, or it doesn’t exist.

    The way to hopefully fix this is to use FTP to upload a new and complete version of the theme to your site, as that should have all of the correct files. That will put the file back where it should be and fix that problem.

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